
Mantras: slowing therapy to relax the mind

Modern fashion to achieve is great and wonderful. But, talking about the benefits of activities, travel, search for impressions, we often do not explain the main thing: what to do alone with yourself? How to survive the moments of loneliness, confusion, spiritual discomfort? How to cope with the feeling of nagging anxiety or exhausting doubts? When the endless marathon turns into a run on the spot, a mantra comes to the rescue. A kind of "slowdown therapy" will allow you to cope with stress, concentrate and find support in yourself.

What is a mantra

Mantras are sacred formulas with sacred purifying energy, able to have a psychological and spiritual impact on consciousness, health, body, the fate of man. The peculiarity of the mantra is that it is controlled by sound. Long-term and regular practice opens the way to harmony and self-knowledge, deepens thinking, increases concentration, teaches competently to enter an altered state of consciousness.

The word mantra is of Sanskrit origin and several translations. In some sources translated as "thinking tool"in others -"clearing the mind, “saving lives” or “true words.” The practice is based on the Buddhist approach: maximizing the use of human intelligence to transform emotions. With proper practice, the mantra activates the saved experience of all past lives.

Each mantra has a structure, the patron deity of it and its mission. Among the sounds of the most sacred is considered "OM" ("AUM"), from which most mantras begin. In total there are several types:

  • Explaining Truth.
  • Givers Council.
  • Healing
  • Supporting certain emotional states.

The most popular are in the public domain. But it is believed that only the most energy-intensive mantras are transmitted from Master to Student, the text of which cannot be realized by simple repetition of sounds.

The origin of the practice of mantra

There are no historical documents about where the sounds of the first mantras came from. Hindus, for example, believe that they have been forever. But there is another story of appearance: during deep meditation, the ancient sages heard certain vibrations, which were later expressed in the form of mantras and recorded in the Vedas. The vibrations were heard manifestations of cosmic consciousness, various natural phenomena. Therefore, the vibrating sounds identified with the deities and attached so much importance.

The practice of uttering secret mantras is in Taoist and Buddhist schools. But the knowledge collected for centuries is not told to anyone, they do not post full information on the net. Therefore, you should not read the first articles about the "magic melodies" or immediately try to try it out. Learn the basic concepts better from the most respected Teacher, the spiritual leader of the followers of Buddhism, the Dalai Lama XIV. Dalai Lama XIV compares the main mantra with a blessing, because they were pronounced by knowledgeable people for many centuries.

The current popularity of mantras is due to the apparent ease in which salvation can be gained by simply pronouncing sounds. Statements are fueled by a large number of supposedly simple ways to correct the subconscious. According to these "miracle recipes" enough mantra to read or just listenso that sound vibrations work wonders. But not everything is so simple. This is a long, regular practice that requires lengthy basic training.

How to read mantras correctly

Mantra and meditation are inseparable concepts. Moreover, the mantra is both a means and a goal of meditation. It is difficult for an unprepared person to realize this. Therefore, the first thing to do is to find a bright Teacher who will teach how to read mantras. Education in the printed literature in this case is impossible. Even a multi-page volume will not contain the necessary information. Printed letters poorly convey the pronunciation, and even a simple repetition of the sound is not able to solve internal problems. Therefore, viewing videos also will not give a voluminous concept of sound practice.

Knowledgeable people claim: Before you start practicing mantras, you need to undergo a good theoretical background., and to educate the body and soul - learn to sit at ease. The first reading begins with listening to the "true words", trying to keep the mind in one place. Practitioners know that the hardest thing when meditating or reading mantras is to concentrate on the process itself. With no experience, the mind begins to “run away” to the side from the first minutes of the ritual. Therefore, in the beginning, reading true words is not so much a pleasant as a difficult task.

Gradually, the mind begins to calm down, and the subconscious mind - to transform. At this stage, again the figure of the Master or the spiritual Master, whom the student will fully trust, comes to the fore. Natural insight, insight, transformation are good only under the supervision of an experienced person.. After all, working with incomprehensible energies, experiments on oneself are dangerous for the psyche. The more complex the said mantras are, the more effect the student wants to achieve, the more important the support of the Teacher for him.

But not everything is so simple, say the practice. Even regular training is meaningless, unless the way of life and consciousness of a person changes. Therefore, the visualization of wealth and positive thinking will not bring the desired money just because they are not the goal of meditation.

Will Mantras Help Earn More

Money-and-mantra is a matter of rather scrupulous and frequent enough. One of the most common requests from netizens is how to properly listen to mantras so that they start making money. Real Teachers never relate to the topic of money, and experienced students are trying in every way to bypass it. Practitioners have several practical, quite vital explanations on this score:

  • First of all, the uninterrupted sound of energetically charged music will never automatically work for the banal attraction of money. What does the listener count on? What at some point, under the influence of music, would the bag be untied over and bills begin to pour?
  • Secondly - This is a ritual of establishing energy channels, as well as a great deal of work on oneself. They are the sacred embodiment of sound and vibration to achieve tranquility, harmony, and stimulation of creative potential. And the money question can stain crystal clear energy practice.
  • Thirdly mantras will really help you earn, not by attracting money, but through personal transformation. Mental concentration skills provide a clear awareness of one’s own fears, anxiety, prejudice, and other thinking patterns. Gradually, another understanding comes - the need to move towards new opportunities.

Working mantras in our lives

Mantra is a word or phrase, charged with special power. If the meditation in the lotus position does not attract you too much, you can think up your own mantra motivators. They will help in cases where it is necessary to tune the brain to productive work, to survive a difficult period of life, to establish harmonious relationships, to develop good habits.

Find your working phrase help tips:

  • The best word form is a one-line slogan. Too long, florid phrases are likely to lead thoughts into unknown distances.
  • One mantra at a time. Attempting to practice several phrases at once will not give the expected result.
  • If the mantra does not work, you should try another. If in 21 days the phrase does not "enter" into consciousness, it means that it will not work in the future.

Together with the practice will come their words. And for example, you can take one of the ready-made mantra motivators who helped other people:

  • Walk through life in your own way.
  • Only I am responsible for my reactions.
  • I know for sure: everything that happens happens not with me, but for me.
  • I am a part of life and I want to change with it.
  • I have to do it while I can.

And the main mantra of the Dalai Lama XIV for the past fifty years sounds like this: the interconnection of all things.


  • Mantras are one type of prayer, but more focused on a certain rhythm, the vibrations that occur, and the correct pronunciation of sounds.
  • Endless listening to mantras will not bring money.
  • Mantras help to earn, but this happens as a result of long practice.
  • If there is a need of the soul, you can invent your own mantra-motivator.

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