
Who is a choleric: temperament description

Energetic choleric is distinguished by assertiveness, purposefulness and decisiveness, allowing to achieve dominant positions among others. But is it all simple and straightforward? Who is a choleric and how to get along with him? Is it easy to recognize? Is there a universal characteristic of choleric? Or in each person is this type of temperament expressed individually? What if the child is a choleric person? How to properly educate him? How do cholerics live when they grow up? How difficult is it to build relationships with them? It is better to read this article to the end, to know exactly how not to get under the "hot hand".

What is choleric?

Choleric is emotionally quick-tempered and extremely active type of temperament, prone to leadership and domination. The word "choleric" of ancient Greek origin. According to Hippocrates, who, according to the prevailing "life juice", identified four types of temperament, "yellow bile" dominates among choleric people. The original language is called "Hole". Hence the name.

Despite the fact that psychology is constantly evolving, regularly reviewing world views, this approach to the classification of temperament does not lose its relevance so far. Who are choleric, quite clearly defined in the days of Hippocrates. Bold, resolute, unrestrained and perky choleric men always had distinct leadership qualities, took the initiative in their hands and swiftly moved toward their goal. At the same time, it is extremely difficult for them to control their emotions, which is manifested in an abrupt change in mood and short temper.

An exhaustive description of choleric allowed scientists to identify representatives of this type of temperament not only among living people, but also by analyzing historical personalities. So, from famous personalities to choleric relate Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov, Peter I Alekseevich, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Ludwig van Beethoven, Chapaev Vasili Ivanovich, Salvador Dali, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, etc.

Since several types of temperament can be combined in one person, it is not so often possible to meet a pronounced choleric person. But in case he gets caught, there is hardly anyone to doubt that there is a choleric in front of him. A description of the main criteria for recognizing this type of temperament is given in the next section.

How to recognize choleric?

A simple trick to know your temperament - Aysenck's test for temperamentwhich can be accessed on our website. This will allow to cast off doubts about their belonging to a certain type of people: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, or phlegmatic.

If we are talking about another person, it is necessary to analyze his behavior. In the first place - pay attention to the rate of occurrence of certain emotional reactions, especially anger. If a person “starts from a half-turn”, then most likely it is choleric that dominates in him.

Some authors argue that you can identify choleric and in appearance. According to their opinion, people with this type of temperament are distinguished by their slim physique and other signs. But the proportions of the human body depend on a number of physiological processes. Also his temper or nervousness. So, it is necessary to distinguish between the innate characteristics of a person and his health.

It is better to identify the choleric person, based on at least a few criteria:

  • Emotional instability;
  • Accelerated and loud speech;
  • Sharp movements;
  • Unwillingness to sit in one place;
  • Active gestures;
  • Desire for leadership;
  • Social activity;
  • The ability to defend their opinions;
  • Hyper reactivity and vigor;
  • The failure of routine and monotony.

If the bulk of these points coincides with the characteristics of a particular person, then it can be argued that he has the temperament of choleric.

Characteristic choleric: pros and cons

The advantages of this type of temperament include high social activity and the prospect of taking a dominant position. Choleric - born leaders who know how to succeed themselvesand lead others to it. They are so selflessly able to go to the target that they "infect" with the enthusiasm of everyone around.

Choleric know how and love to lead. Their short temper has a positive side, because such people never accumulate negative and offense in themselves. They instantly spill their emotions on others, but also quickly and calm down. This helps not to delay "debriefing", quickly solving production problems.

Not deprived of the choleric temperament and deficiencies that are caused by its incontinence. This is especially noticeable when choleric people come in contact with melancholic people, who categorically reject such impulsive behavior. Due to the heightened emotionality, the choleric person can quarrel and offend someone, even without wanting it. If that person is not so quick, then the choleric person will have to apologize for a long time, which is not very characteristic of his nature.

Relationship with choleric

If we take as the truth, the division of people into four psychological types described by Hippocrates, then there are only four options for interrelations: with melancholic, choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic.

At first glance, it seems that only a melancholic person cannot get along with him. Choleric will not be bored, sanguine - for fun, and phlegmatic - on the drum. But in reality, things are not so straightforward. In the case of melancholic, the union will succeed if he takes the imperious position of a choleric person, and that, in turn, take care of and take care of the melancholic.

If temperaments match, it is fraught with "fireworks" of feelings and emotions. For such a couple daily "storm in the glass" is provided. But strong relationships are obtained only in the case of periodic rest from each other.

Sanguine and choleric There will always be something to do. Both types of temperament are active and open to communication. A sense of humor will allow you to absorb emotional outbursts, smoothing sharp corners.

Have phlegmatic most likely to create a strong relationship with choleric. It triggers worldly wisdom, according to which - opposites attract. The main thing is the mutual respect of each member of this union, respect for his personal space.

Upbringing choleric

Most of all around delivers little choleric. The characteristic of this type of temperament clearly demonstrates its hostility to others. If an adult learns to control his emotions, then the child is hard to do. Punishments only aggravate the situation. Parents of choleric individuals should have truly “iron” nerves that will help them to adequately perceive the behavior of their offspring. Nobody says that it is worth pampering him, but excessive severity will not help.

The best thing become an authority in the eyes of a child, to achieve his respect, to direct unbridled energy in a constructive direction: creativity, sport, etc. Choleric - is a born leader. If he is not “broken” in childhood, then a strong and charismatic person will grow out of such a child, who will definitely find his place in society.

Among all types of temperament, choleric people have the greatest potential for achieving success. This is due to their dedication and passion. If the choleric person really wants something, he will not stop until he gets his way. This quality is inherent in leaders and winners. But the "fee" for this is not small. Hot temper choleric very often turns against them. Knowing this, others should be more tolerant of people with this type of temperament, and they themselves should learn to control their emotions without inflating the "elephant from a fly".

Watch the video: Choleric. Personality Types Temperaments (May 2024).