Personal growth

How to get rid of timidity?

How to get rid of timidity and shyness?

According to psychologists, each person in one degree or another suffers from timidity, shyness, shyness. Distinctive features of a timid person are self-doubt, indecision, fear of actions, awkwardness in the presence of other people, loss of speech, stiffness.

Almost every person is familiar with the state of timidity, when the body does not obey, the legs become soft, and speech is slurred, the pulse quickens and that the most unpleasant thing in this situation is nothing to be done about it.
Timid man closed in the first place on himself and on his experiences, which he does not want or cannot share with other people. Until he is nudged or burdened by circumstances, a shy person would prefer to stay away and not engage in conversation.
If you understand that you are among those people who are shy of themselves and began to think more often about how to get rid of timidity and shyness, then the tips in this article will help you get rid of this ailment.
First you need to understand that timidity can be a trait of a person’s character and a complex acquired from childhood. Much depends on how you were taught in childhood to accept yourself and your personal qualities.

So, the main causes of timidity:

The opinion of others. You think that you are not loved or that you are doing something wrong, and therefore you are afraid of ridicule and condemnation from other people.
Uncertainty. You do not believe in yourself and your abilities, you are afraid to do something wrong and think a lot about it.
Comparison You often compare yourself with other people and come to the conclusion that you are not as good and successful as others.
Idealization. Understanding that you are not perfect. But there are no ideal people and your shortcomings are not yet a reason to be ashamed of yourself and hide in the shadow of others.
Childhood. Analyze the beliefs that you imposed from childhood. For example, when you were told that you were not careful, that you did not succeed, that all children are like children, and you do not know who, that someone is better than you.
After you have dealt with this, immediately get rid of these beliefs.
After you understand the reasons for your shyness and analyze the situation and your behavior, it's time to start working on yourself.
The first and most important step that you have already taken is to ask yourself the question "How to get rid of timidity?" Now you need to understand that immediately overcome such an unpleasant complex still does not work, so you need to diligently and regularly make an effort and change for the better.
Here are some simple and effective recommendations that will help you to become a self-confident person, stop being ashamed of yourself, not be afraid to do things, and will remove the barrier in communicating with other people.
Now you are trapped in your emotions and thoughts about what other people will think about you. Learn to cope with your negative emotions, stop worrying about other people's opinions, this is only your life and you have only one.
Try to tune in to the positive wave, accept all your shortcomings and remember your positive qualities. Smile often and be open to communication and new acquaintances.
Stop asking yourself questions. How to get rid of the timidity that is in me so, whether I acted correctly or not, what my colleague, boss, relatives will say. Stop doing such a thorough self-examination. Live and enjoy life.
Sense of humor.
Develop this positive quality in yourself. Treat everything, and especially to yourself, with humor. Joke often, tell jokes, but just remember that humor must be kind.
Make a list of goals and follow it. Identify specific tasks and your actions. Just remember that goals must be achievable and real.
Work on your appearance, make sure your clothes are always neat, and you always look attractive. This will surely give you confidence, therefore, shyness will pass.
Do not let your emotions control you. Do not make shyness control your life. Be consistent and decisive, and then be sure to get rid of such an unpleasant illness, as timidity.
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Watch the video: How To Stop Being Shy And Quiet - 12 Tips To Overcome Shyness (May 2024).