
Realize Your Potential: Technician Lists from Experts

The question of how to unleash one’s potential has been worrying a person for centuries. And no wonder. We all want to maximize the use of internal resources in the profession, creativity, personal life. This is possible, because most people do not even suspect about their hidden reserves or use them halfway. How to find out what we can do? How can we truly realize oneself? And why not only artists and writers can create? Answers - in the article.

What is the potential

Capacity is a combination of the resources available and the development opportunities they have. But this is a general definition of potential. This polysemous term is used in physics, linguistics, chemistry, philosophy, economics, social sciences because of which the exact definition may differ. Etymologically, the word "potential" is derived from the Latin "potentialis"-" being ". In the dictionary of foreign words, potential is the capacity for manifestation.

In psychology popular concept of "personal potential" - hidden human capabilities that can manifest themselves in the creative, intellectual, spiritual, social, career or moral sphere of life. Human potential is always in the plane of the future. If you have done something new today, you have revealed your potential. It doesn't matter if they won or failed.

Personal potential of a person can be viewed from different angles:

  • As a force gained from experience.
  • As a conscious ability, ready to manifest.
  • As a means of realizing your own qualities.
  • As a reserve reserve of unmanifested abilities for self-improvement.
  • As an opportunity to develop.

In describing the potential of a particular person, his or her internal and external resources are studied. Their combination determines a person with high or low human potential. Internal resources are genetics, general and emotional intelligence, mental, emotional and mental health. External indicators - responsibility, self-esteem, morality, internal culture, a favorite thing and a desire to grow.

What is the human development index

Prospects for human development are used to characterize individual groups and the whole society. To measure the progress of different countries an American economist John Galbraith in the 60s of the XX century introduced the concept of "quality of life". Over time, it has interested experts, has undergone some changes and has become a whole concept of human resource development.

Human Development Index derived Pakistani scientist and economist Mahbub ul haq in the period from 1990 to 1993. This is a multi-component characteristic that reflects the development of personality in different regions of the Earth. The index included health, education, healthy nutrition, the ecology inside the house (energy efficiency), ecology in nature, safety, justice, gender equality, and citizen involvement in public life.

The index is calculated by the UN Development Program, is constantly expanding and supplemented. According to the latest additions, the formation of a personality has three directions for growth: prosperity, rights and freedoms, social justice. The first places in the list of countries with the highest HDI are Norway, Switzerland and Australia.

How to unleash and realize your potential

By nature, human possibilities are endless. If the ability to see through walls is relevant for a few, then everyone wants to be happy. Maximizing your inner resource is not an easy task. Coaches offer their clients a plan of 10 steps to help them achieve their goals:

  1. Reflect on yourself, recognize inner values. The more qualitative the introspection is, the more likely you will find your way to self-realization.
  2. Choose an interesting area of ​​life and start exploring.. It can be a lifestyle, income level, self-realization, creativity, sports, career.
  3. Take the first step, even if you are afraid. Confidence that your goal is important will give strength and courage.
  4. Allow yourself to be wrong. Stop suffering because of an error, just tell yourself "how interesting it turned out"!
  5. Avoid the pitfalls of standard thinking.. Fight with generalizations, stereotypes, self-confidence, instilled fears and negative predictions.
  6. Get ready for personal growth. Adjust yourself to the fact that you are ready to work to implement your plans and improve your skills.
  7. Be realistic. To implement internal resources for the week is impossible. This does not mean that you can not build ambitious plans. This means that they need to be broken down into achievable tasks.
  8. Learn to communicate with different people., even if you consider yourself too shy or withdrawn.
  9. Stay focused. Continue to work hard, maintain motivation, remember the incentives, fight fears.
  10. Remember that nothing is impossible.

Sometimes difficulties begin at the very first step of self-examination. Learning yourself is difficult without a mentor or training. We offer coaching advice to help you discover and discover yourself.

Three practices to understand yourself

7 tips self-improvement consultant Roger Sipe

To grow and develop you should not look for resources outside yourself. More often the answer is hidden in ourselves, namely in the depths of our brain. Coaching advice in the field of personal effectiveness will help to realize the full potential:

  1. Learn the technique of fast readingto read more books. Our brain is able to "digest" a lot more material than we usually give it.
  2. Master the game strategiesto get rid of fatigue and overexertion. Excessive seriousness creates internal dissonance, inhibits thought.
  3. Use your subconscious correctlyto attract the desired result. We attract what we think about. If you mentally lose a negative scenario, it will happen.
  4. Visualize, to speak with their memory in the same language. The brighter the image, the clearer it is remembered.
  5. Take away ineffective lifeto focus on the essentials. The list of unnecessary cases is no less important than the list of goals.
  6. Let go of endless thoughtsto take action. Reflections give rise to doubts. The more we think, the more often we postpone active actions.
  7. Reduce the voltageso as not to waste internal forces idling. Stress - the main killer abilities, which often leads to dead-end thoughts.

To unleash your potential, you should not wait for the perfect moment or a sign from above. It all depends on your way of thinking and acting.

Tony Robbins: The Power To Unlock Personal Potential

Anthony Robbins, a speaker and business coach, investigated the stories of successful and famous politicians, directors, and actors in order to find out what made them invest their goals day after day. Among the many explanations, he singled out 3 characteristics that helped them unleash their own potential.

Tony Robbins called them trigger:

VERA. It is she who determines the results we achieve. Unbelief in one’s own strength includes an economical mode of using potential. As a result, the actions will be lethargic and the results will be poor. Starting a business that you believe in, you are using resources at full capacity.

PASSION. It is fuel for fueling internal strength and achieving success. Passion ruled by scientists, economists, directors, made them stay up late at work, and get up early in the morning.

STRATEGY. This is a way of organizing internal resources that help to work at maximum potential. Businessmen and large businessmen know that in order to achieve achievement it is important not only to have the necessary resources, but to apply them correctly.

For those who set themselves ambitious goals, want to make useful connections and develop at maximum speed, Tony Robbins conducts seminars in America, in Europe.

Five blogging techniques with benefits

The diary is our faithful listener, biographer, keeper of secrets and psychoanalyst in one person. For starters, you can choose a convenient format for the diary itself. It can be an A5 book or an album for sketches. The main thing is that it was pleasant to hold, fill and leaf through.

Keeping a diary is a whole art. To make the recordings as effective as possible, it is worth learning how to conduct them correctly. The following are tips to help make the diary a book of self-knowledge:

  1. Highlight 15 minutes before bed.. Write one phrase describing the day lived. Come up with one epithet for tomorrow.
  2. Use the freewriting method. Note on the timer 20 minutes and continuously write everything that comes to mind. When you practice, you can ask yourself a question and answer it all the allotted time.
  3. Make your personal lists. These can be "Twenty things that I am grateful to", "One hundred things I have done in the past year", "Fifty qualities that I am proud of."
  4. Write letters to yourself or people who are beside you. The technique helps to dig deeper, to deal with old problems, to get rid of insults, internal blocks, anger.
  5. Draw or make collages. If you do not like to write, try another form - pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes. Sometimes pictures or selected shades will tell more than words. Abstract images will convey the mood, literally revive memories or dreams.

Just try and understand: to write about yourself is fascinating, simple, joyful. Diary travel is the best way to realize your inner resources and realize them.

Why is it important to develop creativity

It seems that talent is given only to the elect from birth, that they can create without effort without end. It's a delusion. Success guarantees not talent, but daily work.

These 7 tips will help to move to the level of "advanced artist" even those who only dream of learning how to draw:

  1. A weekly walk will reveal the beauty of the world, help rise above the bustle, find fresh ideas.
  2. Taking up a favorite thing just pleases for no apparent reason.
  3. Changing the usual situation will allow you to be alone with yourself, make an important decision.
  4. Fantasies and incredible dreams with obligatory visualization develop figurative thinking, distract from routine.
  5. Switching the mode of work from the ordinary to the creative includes deep intuition, manifests genuine thoughts.
  6. Respect and love for your own uniqueness - a way to love yourself, explore internal resources.
  7. Disabled control will turn creativity into an incredible adventure.

For the resource of creativity meets the area of ​​the prefrontal cortex. When we experience positive emotions: joy, gratitude, inspiration, fun, stable neural connections are formed in it. The more we create, the more we get dopamine - the hormone of internal satisfaction. To neutralize the effects of stress, it is important to train the creative potential: to draw, compose poetry, listen to beautiful music, enjoy your favorite dishes.


  • Personal potential is our internal resource, which gives abilities, opportunities for self-development.
  • All you have is an already implemented resource.
  • The realization of internal forces is not a final stop, but an endless process.
  • The Human Development Index assesses the human potential of entire countries, groups, communities.
  • Speed ​​reading, diaries, the experience of famous people - available ways to discover and disclose their internal resources.

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