To begin with, before actually referring to the existing management styles (management styles), it is necessary to determine what exactly this field is and what activity is meant here.
Management involves a certain way of influencing other people. In the most elementary version, this can be expressed in the scheme of influence - the activity of the employee - the result. In this scheme, the activity of the manager is clear, the purpose of which is to obtain a certain positive outcome.
It is equally clear and the possibility of obtaining a variety of outcomes, which are caused by a particular activity of employees. In this embodiment, workers should be considered as a specific tool that allows reaching certain results, moving towards private and common goals, developing the company.
Of course, it is inappropriate to consider employees of a company in such a narrow way for efficient managers who are focused on effectiveleadership styles since each person, even in a separate manifestation of the personality as an employee of a certain organization, is a dynamic system with a huge number of variables. Specifically, the input data give a certain impact on the system and the variation of this data, that is, management styles, allows you to vary the receipt of a certain product of activity from the employee. Generally, management style It is a typical behavior or influence of a manager on employees, but important nuances should be taken into account.
We are talking about the scope of this phenomenon. After all, managers are dealing with interpersonal relationships that involve multilevel. In addition to communicating at the level of the boss - subordinate, there is a huge amount of additional ones, and then every manager should clearly understand how significant the impact from all levels is on the motivational scheme of employees, on their productivity and efficiency in work.
As an example, it is enough to cite the phenomenon of leadership, which implies the absence of a significant number of direct impacts, but the presence of a leader figure, which is an incentive for activity and performs a management function. So, if you study and chooseleadership styles, it is necessary to clearly understand the versatility of this phenomenon and the importance of uniquely identifying each particular pattern of influence under the individual parameters of managers and employees.
How are management styles classified?
It is not at all difficult to understand the existence of various classifications with such a difficulty of the phenomenon. Existingmanagement stylesmay have different names and belong to different classes in different classifications and this allows to more fully penetrate the essence of this phenomenon.
Management styles can be determined by the following features:
- participation of performers in management;
- preferential management functions;
- leading orientation management.
What are the management styles?
Let's look at the leadership styles in more detail. from each of the above classification. Let's start with the degree of participation of performers, where the following types are distinguished.
- Authoritarian. The name speaks for itself. The manager provides the executors with only certain orders, which they strictly carry out, in essence, the interaction is reduced to an elementary scheme in which employees have no influence on decision making.
- Implicated. It is quite a common style in which employees-performers can, as they say, give voice, that is, the feedback function works at the stage of issuing orders. In varying degrees, employees offer variations in the performance of a particular job, and some aspects may be coordinated with the manager.
- Autonomous. In this style, the main decisions are made by employees (often in concert and by the majority), the function of the manager does not become less, but changes. The manager here sets the framework, performs control and deterrence, that is, determines in which direction to move, limits the activities of workers when needed, adjusts solutions.
The following classification (predominant control functions) is characterized by these types.
- Management through innovation. In this type of focus on the development of innovation, that is, employees are sent to achieve certain heights in their own field. Equally, this can be expressed in the pursuit of the company's progress as such, that is, in employees, the search for new solutions and the like is appreciated, and active training of personnel is also encouraged.
- Management with the help of the task. In this type of management styles do not imply such ephemeral goals as innovation, but more specific, limited to certain conditions (control, estimate and the like). Each individual employee in his work space should achieve certain goals using the available methods.
Preferential orientation determines the attitude towards employees and, accordingly, the activity of the manager. As mentioned earlier, each employee can be considered as a tool for achieving the goal, but for a better understanding of management, the diversity of each person should be taken into account and the importance of this becomes clear from the classification suggested below.
By preferential orientationmanagement stylesdivided into the following.
- Weak management. The manager in this version does not have enough information about his subordinates, the attitude towards them is rather superficial as well as the attitude towards the performance of certain tasks.
- Management by tasks. In this embodiment, human relationships are not considered as something important, using a mechanistic attitude towards employees, in which they are considered simply a way of obtaining certain work outcomes.
- Club management. This is the opposite of the previous style, since relationships here are considered to be the most important factor, but for this reason, the efficiency of work and the solution of assigned tasks may deteriorate. Employees, so to speak, reverently treat each other and, in no way tend to disturb the favorable atmosphere.
- Management by the middle path. It is a combination of the previous pair, as it implies a certain harmony between the relations in the company and the solution of work tasks. However, this is not an ideal management style, since in practice it is not high efficiency that is revealed and it is rather difficult to achieve high achievements with a similar management style, because workers largely aim at maintaining the optimal combination between work and relationships with others and often it becomes an end in itself, there is stagnation in the work of the company.
- Strong management. As the name implies, it is an ideal option, as it implies an established management activity, which takes into account the individual characteristics of employees, their relationships and many other factors.