Symptoms and signs

Depression in 24 years. The crisis of a quarter of life.


Depression at 24 years or a quarter of life depression is a frequent and dangerous occurrence among young people. Often depression at this age becomes chronic.

Depression is a disease that develops gradually and passes through its development certain stages that begin to destroy the personality and life of the sick person, literally by millimeter. Details on the stages of depression in our article Stages of Depression. What is yours?

At any age, depression needs and is important to treat. The editors strongly recommend that you contact a psychologist immediately at the first sign of depression! Procrastination is dangerously lost time in life and even death.

Causes of Depression

24 years old is the age when youth is already in the past, and it is still difficult to name yourself for adults. Many young people still live with their parents and work on their first job. There are those who by this age managed to build a career or get a family and children. Invariably one: youth is over. You became an adult.

They no longer react to you as if they were young and carefree. Questions about housing, mortgages and plans for life, rather than plans for an evening or vacation in the summer. At first, this is surprising, sometimes frustrating, but then you realize that this is forever. The world is abundant and full of fun for the new generation, and your task now is to be serious, adult and think about the future.

Almost everyone managed to live in one or another adult reality and understand, like / dislike. Depression occurs where "I do not like" and today amounts to an awesome percentage of young people.

So, Top - 5 causes of depression in 24 years:


The desire to extend their precious youth and not become truly adult as long as possible is one of the classic problems of young people in countries with a fairly high standard of living. You can already enjoy all the privileges of an adult, but at the same time all the obligations remain on your parents. These years are for many the best in life. But precisely because of the long separation process with parents, the subsequent maturation is accompanied by depression.

2. Disappointment in work

Work - this is what the young man consciously goes all the long years of study (read - life). From school to graduation in high school. Work can continue a family business, be a creative dream or a romantic vocation as a pilot / African doctor / luminous business consulting. About work as it is in life, the young man has little idea. And there is a huge disappointment. With disappointment, few people can cope, they simply do not teach this, and no one talks about it. Iridescent pictures of the future disappear from life. Ahead only routine, mediocre life and old age.

3. Disappointment in a family or relationship

By the age of 24, some have families and children. The union of very young people is usually doomed to face the test of maturity of each participant in a relationship. A person gradually understands what his values ​​and what he really wants from life. Often, early marriages and early children become an unwanted burden to the future and unions break up, and children live with their grandparents. Or the relationship stretched from school / first year and did not pass the test of strength. In the world of a young man, there is no hope of his youth, and a new relationship with reality, built on awareness and own desires, has not yet been built. One thing is clear - in adulthood, many difficulties and gray.

4. Reality vs expectations

From childhood you thought you were special. Your talents or intellect will surely lead you into a bright future. But life goes on, and your bright future is no brighter than the future of all your mediocre and stupid classmates. You suddenly realize that are not special. That you are an ordinary person, and all your talents were sung only by your parents. In adulthood, no one cares about your drawings, songs or dances. You got an education, started a family and you have everything like everyone else. It should have been different!

5.Sotsseti, media, the image of success

Social networks make us feel unfit. Defective bio-robots. Internet stars every day in prime time remind of what we don’t have. Perfect body / expensive cars / chic travel 50 times a year. And most likely, judging by the dynamics, it will never happen. Social networks are dangerous. They cause phantom pains from the lack of the desired. There is almost no truth in social networks and the money for such a “life” is generated just from your sufferings.

Two more important causes of depression

Failure to achieve important goals

Perhaps you imagined life at 24-25 completely different. You knew exactly what you wanted and worked hard to get it. But not always we get what we want and not always a lot of work pays off at the end of the desired prize. And now, you are already 24-25, and you did not get what you were going to. And you, of course, are very unpleasant and sad. Here and before the depression is at hand.


Unconfident people often live in half a force. Do not do what they really want. Do not meet with those who like it, but with those who agree. Do not choose a profession of the heart, but only to take. From here to adulthood, internal discontent accumulates with everything that happens in it.

Symptoms of depression

The main and main symptom of depression is a bad mood for a long time. The mood remains bad regardless of external circumstances. Apathy, weakness, chronic fatigue and a sense of worthlessness in one’s own life are usually attached to a bad mood.

We recommend that you review the complete list of symptoms of depression in our article, Symptoms of Depression.

How to be?

At the first signs (not even the symptoms!), You need to stop and understand what is happening. Depression can already stand on the threshold and it is important not to miss the moment when you can still drive it away. Or, if she is already comfortably settled on your couch and every now and then ask to pour hot tea with her - time to find a psychotherapist.

Regular sessions of psychotherapy and properly selected antidepressants (if necessary) - quickly and effectively cope with depression and the person returns to normal life step by step.

Before starting treatment, it is important to realize that after removing the first symptoms, you will probably have to change the course of life, because the one that was - led you into depression. Change of job, marital status, place of residence is a pleasant side effect after the treatment of depression. Pleasant - as dictated by the true values ​​and desires in your life. Be prepared for change.

If you are not ready to turn to a psychotherapist, then you should try to cure depression yourself, for this we recommend studying the article Depression: what to do?

It is important first of all to find out the causes of depression, if they are not obvious (death of a loved one, illness, reduction). To do this, ask yourself honestly the following questions:

  1. Do I like my life?
  2. Do I like my job? Do I want to develop and grow on it?
  3. Do I like the relationship in which I am / family?
  4. If I could do what I wanted, what would I do?

Give yourself honest answers to these questions and start step-by-step relief from depression.

It is necessary to inform relatives and friends, ask for help, if necessary. It is important not to be afraid of drug therapy, because thanks to antidepressants and tranquilizers, the treatment of depression at almost any stage has become possible and affordable. Read more about modern antidepressants in our article: Pills for depression: which ones are better?


Preventing depression comes down to two simple things: you must live your life and accept the inevitability of loss. There are no permanent things in life. There are changes every second in the world. Losses, partings and disappointments are a common part of life, just like sunrise or rain. This is normal. And you are fine. When doing something in life, always ask yourself the right questions: “Why am I doing this?”, “Do I like it or not?”, “Do I really need it?”. Such questions help to realize your Self in the world and live based on your desires.


Depression at 24 years old can have a very beneficial effect on the rest of your life. Indeed, up to this age, a person may not know himself and his real values ​​at all. Behind the need to get an education or start a family. There is a great future ahead, but not the “big” one that was expected of you in childhood, but the real one. Adult, independent and interesting. Filled only with what is necessary and important for you. And without depression, of course!


Watch the video: Are You Having A Quarter-Life Crisis? (May 2024).