
Hazing at work: how to resist mobbing?

Relationship with the team is extremely influenced by how people will relate to their work.

It's hard to love work if communication with colleagues is not specified: constant conflicts, quarrels, ignoring happiness are not able to add.

Mobbing at work is a kind of bullying or, in other words, bullying.

When mobbing comes to the fore psychological violence that can be no less destructive than others types of violence.

General information

What is bullying and mobbing?

There are many types of bullying, and the most talked about is school bullying: harassment, in which the school team is divided into "victims", "aggressors" and "observers".

The first suffer from the second, and the third become silent witnesses and rarely interfere in what is happening.

School bullying can manifest itself in different ways, but it always includes one or several types of violence, most often - psychological and physical

But bullying is not just about school. It can be observed in all groups, regardless of the age and level of intelligence of the participants, even in kindergarten. AND work teams are no exception.

However, bullying in groups of fairly adult people has a number of distinctive features, the main of which is the predominance of psychological violence.

And the methods of influence, which are used by aggressors, are more often indirect, hiddenSince adults realize that direct violence can lead to severe punishment and even a term, and their self-control is much higher than that of children and adolescents.

This does not mean that no physical abuse: it depends on the peculiarities of the working group (in the group of male loaders there will be completely different morals than in the group of girls working in the office). But it is present, especially in a rough form, much less often.

At the same time, the structure of such harassment is similar to the structure observed in the communities of younger people: there are “victims”, “aggressors”, and “observers”, and sometimes “rescuers”.

Due to its nature, bullying in the workplace is usually called "Mobbing".

Mobbing is a type of psychological violence manifested in work collectives, in which an extensive group of workers persecutes one or more of their colleagues.

Goals at the same time, they can be pursued differently, from the desire to have fun, to assert themselves to the desire to force someone who does not like to quit.

According to statistics, about 30-50% of workers face various manifestations of mobbing.

Features of manifestation

Mobbing, like other forms of bullying, may have different degrees of severity: it appears relatively softly or, on the contrary, hard, causing deep psychological trauma to the victims.

So-called Easy mobbing should also not be underestimated.: any violence, even not too gross, affects the psyche destructively, eventually leading to the development of many mental diseases and aggravation of existing ones.

Mobbing, as well as bullying in general, can be divided into:

  1. Horizontal. The victim and the aggressors occupy approximately equal positions in the existing social structure. For example, if several workers began to persecute one who has the same position as they, this refers to horizontal mobbing.
  2. Vertical. The aggressors and the victim are in different positions in the social structure. For example, if a boss harasses a subordinate, this is vertical mobbing. However, the leading person may become a victim under certain conditions. Harassment by the boss is called "bossing."

Often, horizontal types of bullying are present in the work team because it is directly or indirectly approved by the authorities.

Also some boss actions are capable of provoke harassment.

The main signs of mobbing by the boss and colleagues:

  1. The desire not to provide important information to the employee. The information necessary for the correct and timely performance of work duties is either withheld, or transmitted too late, or deliberately distorted. For example, if the victim is unwell and missed an important event, they will not be provided with the necessary information, and there will not be a clear reaction to targeted interviews.
  2. Humiliation in the presence of others. Such a method of emotional violence is often used by the authorities: for example, the boss can use various meetings, five minutes, meetings, where she discusses the actions and negative aspects of everyone who does not like him, using any reason for humiliations. The same employees are usually subjected to humiliation, and other employees do not receive a significant reprimand for similar or even more serious mistakes.
  3. The appearance of false accusations against the employee. This, as a rule, occurs when a horizontal type of harassment: fellow aggressors, trying to harm the victim, use any reasons for a written complaint, embellishing minor offenses if necessary, or simply inventing.
  4. Insults, direct or indirect. Actively used by employees and management. The mental abilities of the victim, her behavior, habits, interests, life position, and so on, diminish. Indirect insults usually include spitefulness, gas-ling is often used (“Is it just a joke, don't you understand jokes?”, “I think you are too sensitive”) in response to the victim’s indignation.
  5. The desire to talk about him negatively in dialogues with colleagues, superiors. At any opportunity, the aggressors will speak negatively about the victims, thereby creating the interlocutor (especially the one who has little knowledge of the object of harassment) feeling that the person in question is a disgusting employee and person.

    If such an opinion is formed among those who are able to support mobbing to one degree or another, the pressure on the victim will increase.

  6. Diminution of the professional abilities of the employee, expressing doubts about competence. They can also be direct or indirect, often expressed in the presence of others, to exacerbate the discomfort of the victim. At the same time, such statements are difficult to attribute to criticism, often they have no justification.
  7. Ignore. The target is not supported by colleagues; when he asks for something, the interlocutor answers without specifics or does not respond at all, sends to someone else. They don’t want to take the victim into a team activity, her achievements, efforts are ignored, which impedes progress on the career ladder, especially if the leadership supports the ignoring tactics.
  8. The desire to give the most unpleasant task. The most ungrateful work is dumped on the mobbing object, they may be required to perform more than is required of the rest of the team members. At the same time, his efforts and successes are ignored, and failures are put on display for all to see.
  9. Cybermobing and other manifestations of harassment that go beyond the working day. Employees and bosses can continue to harm the victim and outside the work process: make fun of it on social networks, wait for work after work, look for compromising material to use it in the future.

In some cases, the bullying manifests itself in extremely cruel forms: the victim is bullied, they can be spoiled by her things, even beaten after work.


Some features of the victim can provoke the development of harassment:

  1. Appearance. Employees who have non-standard or unpleasant from the point of view of society, features of appearance that attract attention, can become the object of bullying.
  2. Behavior. Workers who actively express their position, demonstrate their own independence, can cause outrage in someone. Also, the attention of the aggressors is attracted by closed, indecisive people who find it difficult to express thoughts and who are trying to protect themselves from those around them.
  3. Worldview, sexual orientation, religion and so on. Any noticeable differences from the majority, even if the person himself barely speaks about them, can lead to the appearance of aggression.
  4. Sensitivity, inability to fight back. Vulnerable people who do not find the strength to defend themselves often become the object of humiliation.

But none of the above features is no excuse for the actions of aggressors.

A victim can be to some extent to blame only in one case: if she behaves extremely toxic, creates an extremely uncomfortable situation in the team, mocks some employees, and so on, forcing them to take retaliatory measures.

But most cases of mobbing, even extremely aggressive, are due to other reasons. Blame the aggressors, not the victim. And the main reason for the emergence of virtually all types of bullying is the ability of the aggressors to poison the victim.

Causes of harassment associated with the desires and feelings of the aggressors:

  1. Envy. The desire to harm someone who has more opportunities is common in society. Envy often moves middle-aged employees who humiliate those who are younger, stronger than them.
  2. The desire to enjoy the fact of humiliation, exalt due to the suffering of another person, the desire to gain power over the victim.
  3. The desire to take the place that the victim takes. People who become the main mobbing engine often have selfish motives. In this case, the aim of the bullying is simple: make a person leave.

Under certain conditions, the victim of mobbing any worker can become.

Is it possible to prevent bullying?

If the management team is doing everything possible to a peaceful atmosphere reigned, prevents any signs of harassment, mobbing can be avoided.

Often, any bullying is the fault of the management, which either approves it directly or indirectly, or ignores the very fact of its existence, does not delve into the life of the wards.

A victim facing mobbing in a team, in which he is the norm, can hardly do anything. Best case scenario the aggressors will eventually switch to someone else.

Psychology answers

How to resist psychological pressure at work? Answers to common questions:

  1. What if the authorities spread rot at work? It depends on how dear you are to work, whether it is difficult to find a new one and how serious the manager is spreading oil. If, in addition to the head's aggression, you are not disturbed by anything, and the work is important, you can try to abstract from the boss's words: for example, imagine a brick wall between you and yourself, keep your face. You are unlikely to be able to correct the leader, especially if he communicates with all his subordinates in the same way as with you. If there are other leaders above your boss, you can try to contact them.
  2. What to do if you are insulted? First of all, it should not be shown that the insult hurt you, because if the aggressor notices the reaction, he will understand that he has power over you. If possible, answer him jokingly, maliciously. If you constantly encounter insults and humiliations, try to contact management or management leaders if the former do not respond. It also makes sense to think about dismissal.
  3. How to resist psychological pressure? Often analyze the actions of aggressors in a calm atmosphere, considering them constructively. Why can they behave that way? What goals are pursuing? What motivates them? If you understand the root cause of a negative attitude, it will be easier to counter. It is useful to respond to the aggressors either constructively (dry, logical, devoid of special emotionality information about why the opponent is wrong), or joking.

    It is also important to relieve tension after work: walk on the street, do favorite things, meditate.

How to behave in order to avoid pressure?

Key recommendations:

  1. Be polite, try to avoid expressing a negative. Do not scold any groups of people and their actions during the dialogue, do not insult anyone, behave yourself as correctly as you can.
  2. Watch for appearance. Untidy people, especially women, cause negative feelings.
  3. Say less about yourself, especially if you are not familiar with the morals prevailing in the team. Some facts of your biography and features of the worldview can be perceived negatively.
  4. Do not block from colleagues. Discuss with them work and third-party topics, carefully express opinions, do not ignore corporate parties and other events.

    People who refuse to social contacts, can alert the others, in the future it can be an additional reason for mobbing.

None of the councils are able to work with one hundred percent probability, because it is not the victim who decides whether there will be a persecution or not. This is decided by the aggressors. It is important to seek the best balance in relationships with colleagues. and still be a good employee.

About bullying in the workplace in this video:

Watch the video: How I survived workplace bullying. Sherry Benson-Podolchuk. TEDxWinnipeg (December 2024).