Stress and Depression

Stress or a state of increasing emotional stress associated with the threat

Every person at least once in his life faced with emotional stress.

Exist certain ways out of this state.


Emotional stress - what is it in psychology?

Increasing emotional stress - This is an increase in the intensity of expression of emotions caused by an existing internal or external problem.

Often the tension is not caused by any objective reasons and is provoked solely by the subjective attitudes of the person himself, his inner experiences and predictions.

The further the situation goes, the more intense negative state. Approaching the culmination moment of the event is associated with a peak of emotional stress.

The increase in emotional stress under the influence of the problem is due to the fact that the person has the following concerns:

  • possible damage;
  • the inability to influence opponents;
  • loss of control over the situation;
  • the impossibility of the realization of their interests;
  • resistance of the opposite side.

A typical example of such a psychological problem is stress before exams. In preparing for the exam, the student is under stress because of the fear of not learning the material in the allotted time for preparation.

Then as we approach for exam tension increases. Its peak is at the time of the exam.


Stress - it is a vivid experience of a negative nature, arising from an irritant effect.

Under the influence of stress, the adaptation mechanisms of the human body are tense.

This state can be experienced acutely or last for a long time.

Stress is a confrontation that occurs in a person’s mind. This struggle arises when the requirements for the individual or the proposed circumstances do not correspond to the psychological ability of the individual to cope with them.

During the impact of emotional stress on the human body, a typical adaptation syndrome is observed, which expressed in a maximum of three stages:

  • the emergence of anxiety, provoking the mobilization of all resources of the body;
  • the desire to resist external influence;
  • depletion of the body.

Different individuals can observe different levels of psychological resistance to stress. That is, each person will react to the same external stimuli in his own way.

This is due to the fact that some people are prone to stress, while others are resistant. Predisposition depends on a number of factors: biological features, psychological features, the immediate environment, life events.

Threat Stress

If external circumstances pose a threat for the biological, social state of a person, he experiences a strong emotional stress.

The threat can be not only real, but also imaginary.

In the second case, the person is in fact not in danger, but guided by his own fears, negative predictions or negative experiences in the past, he considers the proposed circumstances as a threat.

If there is a threat, voltage performs an important functional purpose - it allows you to mobilize all the resources of the body to prevent possible negative consequences.

As a result, there is a concentration on the source of danger, begins the search for ways to overcome the current critical situation.

If under the conditions of the existing threat the individual did not experience emotional stress, the probability of getting out of a dangerous situation would be minimal.

As a rule, emotional stress goes away after specifying the source of danger, finding the means to eliminate the threat and successfully resolving the situation. If the source of the threat remains unclear, then anxiety arises.


Due to the fact that the psyche of the child and the adult is arranged in different ways, the symptoms of emotional tension are different.

In children

The child in the normal state is peculiar mainly positive attitude towards life, a constant demonstration of joy.

Manifestation of the following negative reactions testifies to the tension experienced by the child:

  • sleep problems resulting in difficulty falling asleep and poor sleep quality;
  • fatigue from habitual load;
  • constant touchiness arising on any minor reason;
  • pronounced aggression in behavior, which often becomes a source of problems with discipline;
  • distraction and forgetfulness;
  • lack of self-confidence;
  • the constant desire to get support from an adult, the search for protection;
  • the desire for solitude, as a result of which the child begins to avoid contact with peers (does not enter into dialogues, is not included in common games);
  • the appearance of ticks or intrusive movements (hand trembling, ear scratching, etc.);
  • the constant desire to chew or suck something;
  • loss or significant loss of appetite;
  • low concentration of attention, which leads to problems with learning.

The appearance of even a few signs from the above list may indicate the presence of certain emotional problems in a child.

Moreover, the severity of symptoms may be of different intensity.

It should be borne in mind that the presence of problems can only be said if these symptoms appeared for the first time and were not previously present in the child.

Psychosomatic disorders affect not only behavior but also well-being.

It is important to provide the necessary psychological support in time, otherwise the emotional stress experienced will negatively affect both the health and the formation of the child’s personality.

In adults

In adults, the presence of emotional stress is easier to recognize, since an adult already knows himself and can objectively evaluate the negative feelings.

Also, an adult can formulate their problems and independently ask for help. The main signs of stress in adults:

  • constant irritability, which manifests itself during interpersonal contacts;
  • the feeling of chronic fatigue that prevents effectively cope with everyday worries;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • the appearance of suspiciousness in relation to their own health (fear of falling ill, fear of death);
  • unconscious guilt;
  • pessimistic mood;
  • indecision;
  • reluctant contact with other people;
  • self-doubt (including in their appearance);
  • fear of the future;
  • lack of trust in other people;
  • loss of concentration, sense of purpose;
  • fear of loneliness.

How to remove?

There are certain techniques to get rid of emotional stress.

5 ways

There are 5 simple and effective ways to get rid of stress:

  1. Active sports. This method is perfect for people who are accustomed to throw out the accumulated negative energy through exercise.

    It can be strength training in the gym, home exercises at the gym, extreme sports.

  2. Complete relaxation. For those who do not fit the first option, a passive rest at home is a great way to relax. You can get rid of the stress just by spending time in front of the TV watching a good comedy or by retireing with an interesting book.
  3. Needlework (knitting, embroidery, beadwork). These relaxation methods are traditionally considered feminine, but in practice, sometimes men are happy to do needlework. It helps to focus attention, relax, get carried away by the process of creating a product.
  4. Picking up puzzles. Collecting puzzles is not only interesting, but also very useful for the psyche. The main thing is to choose an interesting picture that does not present much difficulty. Then the process will be extremely enjoyable.
  5. Collecting designers. Currently, a large number of designers are on sale, which by their level of complexity are of interest not only for children, but also for adults. Designer picking is a great way to escape from everyday stresses.

Psychological exercise

The following psychological exercises will help you to relax:

  1. We focus on any sight. We approach the subject closer or take it in hand, if possible. The object being studied is examined from all sides for a minute, fully thinking only about it and not noticing anything around.

    It is important to notice all the features of the object, all its features, imperceptible at first glance.

  2. We are located in a quiet place, relax and close our eyes. We represent in front of seven burning candlesin a row. We take a quiet, deep breath and after that we blow as much as possible in the direction of the first candle. After the imaginary candle goes out, again take a slow breath and switch attention to the second candle. The goal is to blow out all 7 candles.
  3. Imagine that there is a lampshade inside us. When emotional stress builds up in the body, the lampshade turns the lamp up and the blinding light unpleasantly affects the eyes. At this point, we feel hot and bad. But as soon as we calm down and stop being nervous, the lampshade lamp turns around and we feel comfortable and calm.

Training for teachers

The teaching profession is costly, not only intellectual, but also emotional resources.

For this reason, it is especially important for teachers to master stress relief techniques, with which specialists can always maintain a stable emotional state.

Popular relaxation techniquesused in trainings:

  1. "Full Breath". You need to relax and concentrate fully on your breathing. Inhale and exhale should be slow and deep. During the exercise, it is advisable to close your eyes and think only about your inner feelings.
  2. "Art therapy". Lead training classes include any music. Teachers have at their disposal sheets of paper, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens. It is necessary to depict on paper those associations and emotions that are caused by sounding music.
  3. "Basket of tips". Each teacher writes on his card an effective way to get rid of stress. Then all the cards are placed in the basket and read out in turn.
  4. "Galoshes of happiness". Each participant alternately puts on the symbolic "galoshes of happiness", which endows him for the time with exclusively positive perception of reality. The leader voices various life situations, and the participant ends them in terms of a positive outcome.

    If the participant finds it difficult to imagine a positive outcome of the situation, other teachers help him.

Games for preschoolers

Exercises for young children should always be applied in a playful way. Their main goal - To help the child relieve emotional and muscular tension.

  1. "Living Picture". Children create a living picture with their bodies, and the presenter must guess its plot.
  2. "Car". Each child depicts some kind of car detail. One of the participants acts as a master who collects the car. After assembling on it you need to do a few laps around the room.
  3. "Forbidden Movement". Children repeat for leading all his movements. At the same time there is one movement that is prohibited. It should not be repeated. Each participant who repeats the lead prohibited movement, out of the game.
  4. "Feather". Children are encouraged to imagine themselves as a feather and begin to move around the room in this state.

    It is necessary to soar easily and naturally, and after a while at the command of the leader slowly land back to his seat.

So, psycho-emotional stress negatively affects the well-being of a person and prevents to enjoy life. You can learn how to get rid of stress with the help of various psychological exercises.

How to quickly relieve emotional stress? Meditation:

Watch the video: How stress affects your body - Sharon Horesh Bergquist (May 2024).