Love and relationship

Why do men love women bitch

The relationship of a man and a woman is like a magical mixture of strange ingredients, the combination of which does not always lead to the expected result. It is difficult to say that there are universal recipes for happy relationships, but there are certain principles and opinions in the world that are common to most adults. For example, this is a widespread belief that men love bitches.

Who is this bitch?

In order to consider this belief in detail, it is first necessary to establish which women fit the definition of "bitch". According to Wikipedia, the bitch is a grumpy and scandalous woman. Does this definition fit the modern concept? Not really.

The media, the Internet and television channels over the past few years have created a completely different image of a female bitch. This is a successful, self-confident business woman who does not depend on anyone, does not tolerate a disrespectful attitude and leaves the winner from any difficult situation. Pretty positive image, not counting the fact that the bitch - usually women are lonely. Not every man will be able to come to terms with the fact that he will often have to be in the shadow of a strong woman, even if she does not suit him with daily scandals.

However, despite the difficulties of relations with the bitch, most men would prefer at least a fleeting relationship with such a woman than a quiet measured family life with a simple one (this is indicated by statistics on divorces due to adultery). And let this connection break the family and the heart of a man, the memory of her will forever remain the pride of the male conqueror.

So, we do not mean squabbled brawler and hysterical jealous - we are talking about a woman with a strong character. Why do men fall in love with such persons?

Causes of attraction

Beauty. The main reason for the attractiveness of a bitch, sorry for the tautology, is their attractiveness. Such women always take care of themselves: their hair, manicure and makeup are impeccable, the image is carefully thought out. Stinkers do not allow themselves to get fat and usually keep themselves in shape. What man can resist the well-groomed slender beauty in a magnificent dress?

Respect. Bitch will never allow a man to humiliate himself. She knows how to put in the place of the offender, will not wait for the late for a date, does not forgive adultery. The key to a stable relationship for a strong woman is respect for each other, which is also appreciated by all men. If you give up the slack and forgive a man minor misdemeanors, you can soon get, instead of a loving husband, an unbridled sloth who will not say a kind word and will not help when it is needed. Men tend to relax and be lazy if they are not stimulated, and the stinkers know this very well.

Diversity. Men are bored by women who are always nice and kind to them, no matter how strange it may sound. One line of behavior that many women have been following for several years, even if it is a policy of peace and good, will not be able to give relationships of that liveliness and strength, like jealousy scenes, arguments and showdowns, without which it is impossible for a bitch to defend her point of view.

Mind. It would seem that men are the main advantage of women consider her external attractiveness. However, many representatives of the stronger sex understand that with a beautiful dummy it can be good only at the very beginning, when the feeling of admiration and love overlaps the mind and logic. Every man needs not just a bright wrapper, but also good content. You will not talk with a silly about what excites you, she will not give good advice, will not understand in a difficult moment - which cannot be said about a clever companion of life.

Looseness. Stinkers do not hesitate to show and show their femininity and sexuality, unlike modest women. This factor is mainly the cause of betrayal of faithful husbands. Temperamental sensual woman is always desirable, regardless of her character.

Underwater rocks

Above, we familiarized ourselves with the reasons that guide most men when choosing a bitch.

At first glance, a bitch is an ideal woman with whom you can live a long and happy life. But why then the main part of women, suitable for the description of a bitch, can not find a permanent partner?

The fact is that it is very hard to live with a bitch all the time. A small portion of stress and experiences is useful for men to feel in good shape. However, constant stress can cause depression, sleep disorders and other serious illnesses. In addition, a strong woman needs to be matched and financially, and not everyone can boast of a stable large salary.

Being together with the bitch, reacting flexibly to her remarks and remaining gallant and understanding, but without receiving a sufficient portion of warmth and affection, is rather difficult. Throwing relationships with the femme fatale into the pool, men soon realize that they can drown there, so they often float to calmer waters.

Watch the video: One Word - Episode 4: Bitch Women. Cut (May 2024).