Personal growth

What is positive thinking and how to develop it

To succeed, you must master a variety of skills and develop certain qualities. Positive thinking is at their forefront. Why is it so important in our life? Can we do without optimism? How difficult is it to make yourself look positively at the world? How long can it take to develop this type of thinking? Are simple and effective techniques to help put on rose-colored glasses? Do I need to shoot them periodically? Is it possible to be on the positive all the time? We will talk about all this in the publication.

What is positive thinking?

Positive thinking is an optimistic view of the world and current events. A striking example is the analogy with a fly and a bee. For the first, the world is a garbage dump. For the second, fragrant flower fields. The main thing is that both are right, because these are their worlds. Also in the life of a person there is a place like "trash" and "flowers". And it depends only on him what exactly will become real. To think positively means not to let negative things into your mind.

The expression "rose-colored glasses" is perceived negatively by many. It associated with naivety, attributed to people "not of this world." On the other hand, most inventors, successful businessmen, and generally people who have achieved something in this world, showed enviable obstinacy where others have retreated. Of course, they were not naive simpletons, but their "rose-colored glasses" helped them consider the possibility where others have only seen obstacles.

From time to time, "rose-colored glasses" should be removed in order to critically evaluate the events taking place, to compare the results obtained with the expected ones. But this does not mean at all that one should turn into a pessimist. It is just necessary to pay attention to the mistakes made in order to eliminate them as soon as possible.

The power of positive thinking

The fact is that in the world there is a principle of feedback, according to which a person attracts to himself what he believes. The one who is confident in victory, and it wants. The other, whose thoughts are filled with complexes and fears, remains out of work.

The power of positive thinking is comprehensively reviewed in the famous book of the American writer Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich”. In it, the author meticulously collected many examples where people succeeded solely because of their faith in success. This book contains dozens of biographies of millionaires, eminent inventors and managers who were able to reach heights by developing positive thinking.

It should be remembered that success comes only to those who make the greatest efforts to achieve it. This is a thorny path, on which there are many reasons for doubt and apathy. Often have to deal with the misunderstanding of others. This is a test that tests a person for strength. If he does not turn away from the chosen path, then the reward will be what he longed for. Positive thoughts are a kind of thread of Areadna, not allowing to get lost.

It is not necessary to pay attention to those who laugh at the attempts of a person to improve their lives. Most often - these are losers, whose names are not stored in history. Truly worthy people will always support the other. in his quest for self-development. It is to them worth listening, to reckon with their opinion. Positive thinking attracts suitable people into our lives, acts as a magnet for good ones.

Having understood the importance of this issue, one should understand how to learn optimism.

How to think positive?

Good question, given the abundance of negative factors surrounding a person. The poor political and economic situation in the country, low social standards, environmental degradation and much more does not contribute to optimism. In such conditions, bad mood and negativity - even more drive a person into depression. Positive thinking is the most important way to deal with the imperfections of the world.

To develop this skill in yourself, the following techniques will do:

  • Motivating books and videos;
  • Communicating with positive people;
  • Success diary;
  • Clearing speech from negative words;
  • Ability to give thanks;
  • Affirmations and afformations;
  • Proactive life position.

All this develops positive thinking and optimism. It is advisable to apply the named methods together, combining and complementing them.

Motivating books and videos

Like the knowledge that comes to us from external sources, so the individual qualities of the personality begin to develop when a person becomes aware of such an opportunity. For example, someone grows up in a family where pessimism dominates. He does not even know that there is another view of the world. Friends of the family adhere to the appropriate life attitude, only strengthening this type of thinking. By chance, this person finds a motivating book that promotes positive thinking. This new opportunity finds a response in his soul, turning over the outlook and drastically changing the future life. Drawing inspiration and ideas in the stories of people who succeed, you can learn a lot from them, thereby attracting good events into your own life.

Communicating with positive people

It is equally important to surround yourself with those who are optimistic about the future. The phrase "who you will lead with, from this and pick up" is always relevant. Well, when there are people who set up a positive example by their example. With them is always nice and comfortable. Communication brings pleasure, attracts positive thoughts. Such people never pull down, do not "cut the wings." On the contrary, they confidently move through life, inspiring others to experiment and create. Family, classmates and classmates people do not choose, but with whom to be friends, build relationships or work - everyone’s conscious decision. So, in situations where there is a choice, it is better to make it in favor of those who give confidence in their abilities.

Success diary

In order to maintain positive thinking every day, it is advisable to regularly remind ourselves of our own, albeit minor, victories. For these purposes, it is recommended to have a diary of success. It should be recorded all their achievements, starting from school years, but you can still before. Rereading this diary, a person strengthens faith in himself and his abilities, creates a certain positive emotional aura. Works on the principle of logical reasoning. If it worked out earlier, it will continue accordingly. The most important such a diary is in periods of failure, when a person begins to give up on himself. Literally, a five-minute positive feed resumes self-confidence, stirs up the desire to achieve goals.

Clearing speech from negative words

Words are identifiers of human thoughts and worldviews. In addition to the fact that they singalize others about the peculiarities of our inner world, they also “brainwash” ourselves. The more often a person utters certain words, the more they affect his subconscious. How to think positively if there is a solid negative? And it sounds from his own mouth. It is necessary to remove all pessimism and uncertainty, as well as obscene words, from your vocabulary once and for all. So others will begin to perceive a person positively, and he himself will further isolate himself from the negative.

Ability to thank

Gratitude is one of the most important phenomena in the world. By the way, even animals can experience it. To be grateful means to appreciate the good things in life. According to the principle of feedback, once good deeds cause a feeling of gratitude, then the gratitude of a person in response attracts good to him.

Willingly help someone who appreciates it and knows how to say thank you. Moreover, at the moment of gratitude, a person additionally emphasizes for himself that he has something to thank for. Positive thinking is reinforced by positive words. And to say “thank you” to a person is the best of wishes in his direction, meaning the phrase “God Save”.

Gratitude sows the seed of joy and happiness in the soul of the person to whom it is addressed. Thus, the good is returned to those who bring it into the world. If you follow this principle, then less space will remain in life for the negative.

Affirmations and afformations

Psychological tricks to help engage in self-hypnosis. Affirmations are a regular repetition of life-affirming phrases, and afformations are self-positive questions. For example, "Employees appreciate and respect me" (affirmation) or "Why do employees value and respect me?" (afformation). There are several options to develop positive thinking: video, audio, or independently. On the Internet, there are a lot of videos and audio recordings with affirmations for every day. But the most effective ones are those that a person pronounces himself, putting his own energy into them.

The effect of affirmations is to "flashing" your subconscious, when a person by strong-willed efforts forces himself to believe what he wants. Afformatsiya aimed at the logical confirmation of their goals. A person finds answers that satisfy his needs, thereby further strengthening confidence in himself.

Proactive life position

Positive thinking is closely connected with the understanding that bad and good events in a person’s life are largely determined by him. Of course, a meteorite that landed on its head can hardly be called a personal choice, but in most cases the person himself decides how to live. The ability to take responsibility for one’s life on oneself is proactive. How to think positively if you "go with the flow" and show passivity? Active life stance drives away pessimism, because a person realizes that it depends on him, whether he will succeed or not. To achieve this goal, he takes control of his thoughts, begins to positively assess his capabilities. Success comes to those who wait and believe in him.

In human life there is a place for many laws. The feedback principle is one of the most basic and universal. Positive thinking attracts similar events, and vice versa. Achieving success becomes possible only if you believe in it and apply all possible efforts for it, driving away a shadow of doubt.

Watch the video: How to Convert Negative Attitude into Positive Attitude with Mind Control by Mr Vivek Bindra (December 2024).