
Refusal from sugar: what to do and what consequences

Refusing sugar is not an easy process. The point is not only not to put it in tea, you need to monitor its content in seemingly harmless products - yogurt, protein bars, fruit juices. This process can cause a breakdown, deterioration of mood, but in the end, a person will find clear skin, a polished figure and will achieve a lack of dependence on sweets.

Sweet dope

Refusing sugar, a person tries to compensate for his lack of passion for the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. This explains why, even after deleting desserts from the menu, the weight does not decrease. There are 4 components of dependence:

  • regular use;
  • breaking down;
  • thirst;
  • cross-sensitization (against the background of one dependence, a propensity is developed for others).

These factors occur when the sweet tooth. If you constantly consume foods containing large amounts of sugar, it will contribute to the release of dopamine and increased excitation of brain areas, signals of pleasure. Over time, to achieve the same effect, a much larger amount of sweet will be needed, since the organism is adapting.

A 2002 study by staff at Princeton University showed that giving up sweets can cause withdrawal and depression. Experiments were conducted on rats, which, after the appearance of sugar dependence, and then the deprivation of access to sugar, showed passive behavior even in stressful situations. For example, when released into the water, they simply swam, rather than trying to get out of the trap.

Experiments on rodents have shown the emergence of impulsive behavior, generated by the rejection of sweets. It was expressed in increasing the dose of sugar consumed. Although the organisms of rats and humans are arranged differently, studies provide an opportunity to understand the neurochemical processes in sugar dependence, breaking and analyze changes in behavior.

5 basics of getting rid of sugar addiction

  1. No abrupt changes. If you completely eliminate sugar from the diet, the body will feel stress. This should be done gradually. For example, first put in the tea one spoon of sugar instead of two, eat two candies instead of four.
  2. Cross out sugar-containing beverages from the diet. Packaged juices and carbonated drinks are the first to be banned with diets. They must be replaced with clean water and fresh juices.
  3. 10 squats for candy. First, scientists have proven that exercise also contributes to the production of dopamine. Secondly, you can train yourself so that each kilocalorie will have to be “worked out”, over time, you will no longer want to look at sweets.
  4. Do not replace desserts with other products.. It must be remembered that sugar is contained not only in sweets, it is added, for example, in semi-finished products.
  5. Alternative to sugar - fructose. This natural substance is found in fruits, honey, vegetables. Products containing fructose will help fill the glucose deficiency, but more safely.

How to refuse sugar for 3 weeks?

It is believed that the habit is formed in 21 days. Refusal from the sweet acts on the same principle.

Week 1

  • So that the hand does not flinch, you just need to get rid of harmful sugar-containing products in the house.
  • We'll have to carefully study what is written on the packaging of products. If there is a component with the end of the "-toz", agave, syrup, cane, nectar, then you need to return it to the shelf.
  • Ketchup, carbonated drink, fried foods, yogurt also contain sugar, even if it seems that it is not felt.

2 week

  • Since it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets gradually, in the second week you need to switch to a quarter of the initial dose.
  • The menu should be as diverse as possible. As a dessert, it is better to leave fruit.
  • To quench your thirst, you need to drink non-carbonated water, such as fruit water.

3 week

  • In the third week, you need to enrich the diet with healthy fats. Suitable olive oil, avocado.
  • There is a better schedule, then it will be possible to take hunger under control and curb the desire to eat something sweet.
  • To cope with the dessert will help black coffee without sugar, a glass of water before meals or green tea.

How can life change after giving up sweets?

If you observe changes in the timeline, you can observe the following:

  • 30 minutes later. When eating dessert, it is difficult to stay on one piece or a spoon. Because here it is important to wait half an hour, then the second batch most likely will not want to eat.
  • In a day. Sugar, although it is considered a source of energy, it can be found an alternative among the useful products. Having lasted for 1 day without sweets, you can find that the sugar level stabilizes due to the consumption of protein and vegetables
  • 3 days later. This is the period when the break-up begins, depression and anxiety may appear. It is important to hold on a little more.
  • In 7 days. We can assume that the psychological boundary is passed. Slackness passes, mood is balanced, the risk of acne is reduced.
  • 30 days have passed. Now you can safely do without dessert, besides the memory has improved, and with it the ability to learn.
  • 12 months later. The body functions quite differently, health is strengthened, the body ceases to accumulate fat. And during this period, you can afford a little sweet, but in the diet should be at least 80% of healthy food.

In addition, positive changes will occur in the body.

Skin problems disappear

Sugar is responsible for starting the glycation process in the body. As a result, the skin becomes dry, swollen, eels appear, dark circles under the eyes, the complexion becomes dull. By reducing the consumption of sweet, you can clear the epidermis, get rid of acne.

The constant desire to eat something will disappear

Sugar dependence is similar to the drug. The brain receives signals about pleasure and requests for a new portion of sweet, because there is a desire to eat another piece of cake, a bar of chocolate. By excluding from the diet xylitol, maltose and other hidden sources of sugar, you can see how the addiction disappears over time. Food is needed to get a charge of energy, food should not be compared with a hobby.

Normal mood

The brain perceives food as a reward. Hunger triggers the production of stress hormones. Because there is nothing strange in the fact that there is a relationship between sugar consumption and mood. That's only in normal doses, sweet causes a surge in dopamine, and in excessive doses it leads to a reduction in its production due to addiction. Because the mood of a person jumps. If you replace sugar-containing products with those that contain healthy fats, for example, red fish, poultry meat, you can get rid of false euphoria.

During the day, there will be a surge of vitality, and at night - sound sleep.

Sugar products are not antidepressants. On the contrary, they provoke the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. If during the day he constantly tends to sleep, and at night his eyes do not close, this is one of the signs of sweet glut. Sugar-free week will restore sleep and wakefulness.

Improved memory and increased concentration

Abuse of desserts leads to memory impairment. The connection between the brain cells is broken, the blood does not flow well to it, the concentration is weakened, and the efficiency decreases. Risk for memory is not really that hot chocolate.

Improving the performance of the body

A large number of candies and other sweets are harmful to the immune system, the digestive system, teeth. Sugar interferes with the absorption of beneficial substances - trace elements and vitamins. It has a negative effect on the work of the heart, blood vessels, increasing the risk of developing hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, and angina pectoris.

Weight reduction and volume reduction

Slow metabolism and a large supply of fat in the body - the result of eating sugar-containing foods rich in carbohydrates. Refusal of sugar will lead to the disappearance of folds on the abdomen and ugly hanging sides.

Refusal from sugar does not mean that now there will never again be tasty sweets in the diet. Simply, they will be useful. For example, stevia, vegetable syrup, barley malt can serve as a sweetener. You can consume more fruit. If it is impossible to completely eliminate sugar from the diet, you can try to reduce it by three times. It will also make you feel better.

Watch the video: Govt To Take Action Over Refusal of Sugar Crushing (January 2025).