
How to find the approach and how to communicate with the epileptoid personality type?

Specialists identify various psycho-types of personality: schizoid, elliptoid, hysteroid, etc.

In addition, each type has its own unique features and characteristics, which in turn can be barely distinguishable, and may take hypertrophied form.

Epileptoid - who is it?

Epileptoid - This is a characteristic set of features for a person, or a drawing of a personality.

A person of this type is healthy, just in his character mistrust, pedantry and a tendency to aggressive reactions prevail.

In this case, the basic feature of all eliptoids is love of order and expediency.

Elliptoid refers to epilepsy only by similar mental disorders, but the symptoms of the disease in the elliptoids are absent.

Personality change in epilepsy

In people suffering from this disease, manifest the so-called "epileptic nature." And if pathology progresses, the features are enhanced.

People with this disease are subject to certain mental disorders (particularly psychosis). Changes occur due to the fact that convulsions and the resulting oxygen starvation of the brain provoke disturbances.

Thus, people with epilepsy develop egoism, and the range of hobbies is narrowed. The patient concentrates on his own health, basic and fleeting desires, personal interests.

Thoughts about how comfortable it is to othersdo not care about epileptic.

However, sincere indifference patients often try to hide over mock courtesy, tenderness and participation.

Man becomes petty and pedanticHe pays attention to trifles, instructs people around him and “teaches people’s life” even if the interlocutor does not ask for it.

The polarity of character in epileptics is manifested in the form of regular and unreasonable mood swings. So the attacks of candor and friendliness are replaced by pronounced aggression and anger.

A person with epilepsy, despite mood swings, internally "stuck" on one emotion. Mostly he focuses attention on insults, inclined to revenge against the background of rancor.

Epileptoid psychopathy

Epileptoid psychopathy is a mental disorder in which the individual features of an epileptoid condition are amplified and go beyond the "norm".

Man with breakdown can't hold back your emotions. He is aggressive towards members of society and most of the time is in an irritated state.

The disorder is derived from the word "epilepsy", since the condition of a person with the disorder resembles the conditions that develop in patients with epilepsy.

Personality disorder

Elliptoid personality disorder is characterized by long periods of melancholy and irritation, aggression, and sometimes sadistic inclinations.

Person "Takes out the anger" on others, easily comes to conflicts and provokes them without objective reasons.

The condition involves social maladjustment and the inability to enter into full and healthy relationships with people.

Signs of

  • affective outbreaks (a person absorbs the negative like a sponge, after which it throws out something through aggression towards others);
  • chronic decline moods (the person is constantly in the wickedly depressing state, constantly finds reasons for insults and frustrations);
  • static thoughts and emotions (it is difficult to change from one state to another because of the love of order and constancy);
  • mood swings or cyclicality ;

    Abrupt changes in mood can be spontaneous, and can be tied to a specific "regime", but the change of cycles occurs regularly and often.

  • suspiciousness (people with disorder suspect others of wanting to offend and hurt, suffer from sensitivity and egocentricity);
  • llove to order (the desire to give everything its place and unwillingness to disrupt the organized order comes to the extreme form of pedantry).

The reasons

Most common disorder formed in early (youth) age.

Adults are less susceptible to the development of epileptoid disorder. Common causes include:

  • damage to the nervous system (due to injury, poisoning, infectious diseases);
  • genetic factor (pathology is more likely to develop in a person in whose family there have been cases of mental disorders);
  • unfavorable household / social environment (difficult living conditions imprint on children and often lead to deviations in mental development);
  • addiction (the disorder may occur due to the use of alcohol or drugs).

Description and characterization of personality type

Epileptoids maintain the existing order of things perfectly, but at the same time they cannot create something new.

They perform well learned instructions and orders, but come to a state of nervous excitement and aggression, if any item in the schedule changes.

People-epileptoidy highly suspicious and always catch a random remark or the word of the interlocutor, for which you can catch and develop the theory.

The epileptoid characteristic is built on weakness of his nervous system.

Even the smallest resentment of such people remains in the memory for a long time, takes thoughts and provokes uncontrollable anger.

Traits in men and women

Epileptoid character is traditionally male character (strong, uncompromising, hardy, demanding). According to statistics, in 70% of cases, this type is found in men.

In order for a woman to have and develop the makings of an epileptoid, she needs a specific social environment or hormonal adjustment.

But men and women show the same epileptoid traits. There are no differences in the basic set of features. However, women more often parade the insult, while in men aggression is the dominant emotion.

Common features:

  • propensity for rituals and repetitive actions (however, changes in rituals are not allowed);
  • explosiveness (when the epileptoid accumulates negative, it behaves with restraint for a long time, but then an intense outburst of anger happens);
  • perseverance (a person is steadfastly moving toward the goal along the chosen path, not considering workaround options, even if they are more efficient and simpler).
  • intolerance for dissent (epileptoid is able to recognize only his own point of view for the truth).

In a relationship, an epileptoid, regardless of gender, is looking for a weak partner that can be suppressed. Then partner start mend and turn into property.

The central theme of the relationship becomes jealousy, which occurs without cause and leads to a violent negative reaction from the epileptoid.

Epileptoids also have a difficult relationship with money. After all, a person of this type seeks power and control over people in order to subordinate them to their orders.

And money is a symbol of power. Therefore, the epileptoids are ready for serious efforts and hard work in order to put together capital.

Recommendations for this accentuation

Epileptoid accentuation does not mean that a person should be treated.

Indeed, in the case of accentuation, individual personality type traits manifest themselves very vividly and vigorously, but at the same time they are in the aisles of the norm.

So, medical correction of aggression is unacceptable.

Available methods of psychological and pedagogical correction:

  1. It is necessary to find a field of activity in which a person will be able to meet their need in order, and its pedantry will be a huge advantage. Then it is necessary to gradually divide the work and other areas of life in order to allow the epileptoid to sufficiently manifest itself in the profession, but at the same time to control the tediousness and desire for ideality in interpersonal communication.
  2. You can not argue with a person, try to convince him or sensitize at the time of the emotional peak (flashes of rage).

    Explanatory work and therapeutic effects will benefit only in the "quiet period".

  3. Epileptoid must form a system of priorities and think through the rules of behavior within this system. In the future, love of order and compliance with the regulations will allow you to maintain the correct line of conduct in the priority zone, whether it be family, friends or work.

How to find the approach and how to communicate?

A person who is forcedly or voluntarily turned out to be associated with an epileptoid, you need to find the right behavioral strategy.

Required reckon with the fears of this type of person.

Epileptoid is afraid of losing control over what is happening.

Therefore, all innovations and changes are best coordinated with him, or at least warn, and not silently take the initiative.

Epileptoid sweetnesswhich is designed to hide true indifference should not be criticized or questioned. Otherwise, the "game of friendliness" will result in a major quarrel.

You can not mirror the behavior of such people. This will lead to deep resentment and undermining the authority of the interlocutor in the eyes of the epileptoid. He will not be able to follow his own line of conduct in the actions of his opponent, but will condemn them.

Reconciliation and conversation is best to start when the epileptoid calm down. During the outbreak of aggression, he does not intend to seek a compromise, and only wants to throw out negative emotions on the interlocutor.

Therefore, any attempts make "diplomatic contact" will break against the wall of conscious rejection of any ways to solve the problem.

If a person has a mixed type, the interaction strategy will have to be changed.

So schizoid epileptoid personality type it seems detached from the side and even indifferent, but in fact he diligently saves offenses, hiding his emotions for a long time.

In an attempt to lead a person to interact through aggression or reproach, you can overdo it and inflict serious "spiritual wounds" on him.

Epileptoid personality types are allocated to a general category because of the similarity of the dominant features in the character. But this does not mean that all representatives of this type are the same.

After all, a person even with the presence of a stable characteristic has individual featureswhich often modify or interrupt epileptoid type traits.

Epileptoid personality type:

Watch the video: Die 5 Biologischen Naturgesetze - Die Dokumentation (October 2024).