
How to become a real man?

How to become a true man and who he is, this real man, about which so most women dream? What qualities must one have in order to become one?

To be able to choose and clearly understand the consequences of your choice

In simple terms - do not mumble. A man understands the importance of making decisions, including the speed of their adoption. He does not stop, realizing that postponing the choice, he slows down his life. At the same time he understands that not all decisions may be correct, but this does not frighten him.


The goal is the main thing in the life of a man. He sees no obstacles, moving towards her, decides with confidence the questions that arise. He knows for sure that there are no intractable situations; he clearly sees his path and does not turn away from it.

The man has his own system of values, from which he does not depart. Despite the fact that life regularly throws a couple of temptations to each person, a real man does not deviate from his course and does not react to them. He does not betray his views, does not change his point of view under the influence of the majority opinion. This is a fully formed and self-sufficient person, for whom it is enough that he is sure that he is doing everything correctly (within the framework of the criminal and moral code, of course).

Not afraid of failure

Success or failure is equally fruitful for him. A man will not mark time, he is not afraid of defeat, realizing that even if it comes, he will be able to cope with it. He does not worry in advance that something may not be formed, although he also calculates the most unfavorable scenarios for the development of events.

This man understands that the process of its formation is based on mistakes and failures. So how exactly is the force with which difficulties are overcome and make him a man. Successes do not give the same strong energy.

Man in relationship

As in all other areas of life, a man is not afraid of failure, he always takes the first step. He understands that he will achieve what he wants. He is not afraid to take responsibility for the relationship. At the same time, relationships are never fundamental to his life. His own purpose is that which directs all his actions.

If the relationship does not bring satisfaction, he honestly ends them and goes on without feeling guilty. The decision to be with a woman is his conscious choice. As for the quality of relationships, he himself shows by his actions an example of how to behave with him.

Man is fearless

The emergence of fear is a sufficient reason to do what causes it.

Overcoming and struggle - this is the life of a real man. He does not turn away and does not hide in the sink, he does not retreat, no matter what the outcome awaits him.


A man confidently speaks and behaves. This behavior is a manifestation of a clearly defined life position. He does not need approval from the outside, the presence of principles inspires respect from other people, even if they do not share his principles.

A responsibility

A man is responsible for everything that happens in his life: successes and failures at work, friends, relationships with a woman. He chooses what helps him move forward and eliminates what pulls him back.

The creation of a safe environment for those for whom he is responsible also applies to this point: a woman, children, parents. Protection, as well as mining, is one of the priorities that a man has faced since time immemorial.

He works on himself and makes himself better.

This man has a clear idea of ​​what kind of person he wants to be, what skills to possess. He devotes time to his own development, reading, sports, studying the materials necessary for him. Moving forward is something without which his life is impossible.


It is wrong to concentrate only on psychology and goals.

A man must be a man in every sense. Therefore, strength and endurance - something that should also be paid attention to.

Sports and gym several times a week are mandatory items in the schedule of men. You should also work with bad habits, if any.

Summing up, I would like to say that a real man is a happy and self-confident person who clearly understands his place in life and has a built-in hierarchy of values ​​that he adheres to. In fact, it does not matter what exactly he does, but his work brings him satisfaction. This is an inwardly calm person who is aware that his world is in himself.

The state of mental equilibrium, which cannot be broken by anything, gives him the strength that makes him a man. Reaching this state is not easy, it may take a long time, but, as already mentioned, a real man is not afraid of anything, he just goes to his goal.