
How to part with the daffodil and get revenge on him?

When dealing with narcissus, the question often arises - how to resist it.

Personality with such a character has its own characteristics, interacting with her is often unbearably difficult.

Communicating with the narcissus: characteristics and features

As a rule, an individual with a similar character is quite a deft and cunning manipulator, therefore replay it can be quite difficult.

He is confident in his inimitability, impunity, does what he needs only.

The egoist does not recognize any opinion but his own. is he sure of my ideality, uniqueness, in that the surrounding must reckon with his interests.

Such individuals are narcissistic, they can talk about themselves for a long time, other people are not at all interested in them.

How to communicate with a narcissistic person?

Pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Set boundaries. We often let other people into our lives, bring them closer to us. We listen for a long time to the conversation of a narcissistic friend who does not allow to insert words. Do not be afraid to interrupt the conversation and say: "Sorry, but I have things to do, we'll talk later." Perhaps you think that you are offending a person. But your space and personal peace are more important than the desire of the narcissus to speak out to other people.
  2. Show empathy. You need to make a criticism of the narcissus - make a compliment, then make a critical comment and secure it again with a compliment. So you smooth out the likely negative emotions from a narcissistic person.
  3. Do not reveal too much personal information about yourself.. Narcissus can use it for their own purposes, harm you, occasionally remind you of the troubles you fall into.
  4. Do not accept favors from him. Narcissus does not help out of the goodness of his soul, he does everything for the sake of profit, and then he will ask for reckoning.
  5. Narcissistic personalities are great artists.and they drag other people into their play. Do not play the roles he needs, move away from his manipulations right away.
  6. Stay confidentdespite attempts by the egoist to deprive you of this confidence, humiliate him by any means.
  7. Remember - it's not about you, and in his relation to the world, himself and those around him.
  8. Do not try to defeat him, it is useless. He praises himself, is confident in his infallibility and correctness of the opinion expressed.

    It is almost impossible to convince him otherwise.

How to resist him?

Often situations require that you resist the daffodil.

You will have to manifest maximum patience and enduranceso as not to lose my temper.

Such individuals are very resourceful in terms of manipulation, so it is harmful for emotional health.

The best way - exclude communication with him, leave, break the monologue, turn off the phone.

Do not try to convince him in any way - it's useless, and you only lose energy, spoil your mood for a long time. At the same time, Narcissus will receive moral and aesthetic pleasure from being the winner again.

Stay calm and cool, whatever the person says. Do not give in to emotions, attempts to blame you, cause negative.

Try to distance yourself from the individual. It is not necessary to listen to his monologue, if you are not interested.

Narcissus tires everyone around the best tactic is ignore. He must understand that you are not interested in them. At the same time try to avoid aggressive actions and statements - only calm.

How to humiliate?

Despite the fact that daffodils themselves criticize other people, they do not tolerate criticism, especially if a person stepped on a sore spot. Find something that really hooks such a person and tell him straight in the face. Be prepared for resistance.

Daffodils fear betrayal, although they themselves betray easily and without hesitation.

When they leave them, they are very worried, because they believe that people are obliged to love them, perfect.

A man with narcissistic inclinations has no sense of humor, not able to laugh at themselves.

Pay attention to his mistake, the stain on the clothes, the wrong word, and he will certainly feel humiliation.

Daffodils do not like to show disrespect and neglect. Their inner ego requires that everyone around him, even complete strangers, respect him. Be disrespectful to him, and it will surely offend him.

How to deal with narcissism among the authorities?

A boss with daffodil inclinations will easily insult their subordinates, nothing to put their success. He is confident that he is right, does not give employees freedom of action.

A woman boss can tell her employees about her success. It is important for her to be listened to and admired.

Narcissus does not show respect for the personality of the subordinate, because of which the latter may be in a state of constant pressure and stress.

What to do if the boss is a daffodil:

  • if the situation is too unbearable, move to another job;
  • exercise calm and patience;
  • do not contradict;
  • to try to perform their duties well so that the boss finds it difficult to find a reason for criticism;
  • be able to carefully prove your case.

Often, with the head of the daffodil, the work progresses very slowly, as he may force him to redo the projects several times just because he loves to show your primacy.

Description and psychology of love relationships

Living with a daffodil under the same roof is not easy. You will constantly feel pressure, attempts to prove your superiority.

They are usually love only themselves, they demand that they be surrounded by attention and care, admired.

How to live with a daffodil?

All attention to him. This is the first thing the daffodil needs. A man may be outraged when his wife pays more attention to the child, and not to him.

And it comes to scandal. He will be outraged by an un ironed shirt, a dinner not served on time, the wrong word, ignoring his needs.

There are two options - leave or adapt, because the narcissist himself will not adapt to anyone.

The need for external approval comes from a sense of worthlessness. Therefore, they are looking for recharge in others. They are very sensitive, sharply react to criticism, ignore, ridicule. When an ordinary person perceives the situation with humor, the narcissus will become hysterical.

Such people hardly express their feelings, especially positive.

You are unlikely to get the words “I love you” from them unless it is a desire to get something concrete and use people's emotions as a means of manipulating them.

  1. Decide whether you want to live your whole life alongside a narcissistic person for whom her needs come first.
  2. Think about whether you are ready to endure discomfort, scandals, tantrums.
  3. Do you want to calm the daffodil when he has bouts of bad mood, panic, moods.
  4. Do you want to fulfill his wishes, because they are in the first place for him.

Do not think that you can redo it and make it more humane.

With narcissistic personality disorder relationships with women based on manipulation, pressure, proving their superiority. In this case, the partner does not immediately understand that she is being dragged into the network, from which it will be difficult to get out.

Causes of addiction

Interestingly, despite its inability to experience true love, Narcissus still attracts the opposite sex. He knows how to appear self-confident, fascinates with beautiful speeches, stories about his successes.

However, the love of the daffodil eventually turns into an emotional addiction, relationships are toxic. The partner in such a relationship does not feel the fullness of happiness, reciprocity, but at the same time cannot leave, since dependence on the narcissus keeps him close.

People can live together for many years. One partner cleverly manipulates the weaker and more dependent on him.

To keep a partner can be used threats of humiliation, intentional decline in self-esteem.

Sometimes manipulations are unconscious - the narcissus has been learning methods since childhood, getting what they want from their parents, and then transferring ways to influence other people.

Even more complex relationships arise when encountered couple: narcissus and psychopath. In this case, stormy showdowns of relations, selfish manifestations on both sides are likely.

A quiet life with such partners is impossible, but the relationship can last long enough, based on mutual benefit.

How to break up?

How to get rid of the daffodil? Leaving is not always easy. Since he uses manipulative techniques, the partner becomes dependent on him. In this case, it is important to understand what methods of influence are provided, to calculate the methods used.

What to do:

  1. Understand that it's hard to be happy next to a daffodil.
  2. Try to leave without conflict.
  3. Enlist the support of friends and relatives.
  4. Break any contacts. He may demand to return, will promise to change. However, it does not make sense to believe him, because the narcissist character does not change.
  5. Be careful of statements and actions, as such individuals are vindictive and unpredictable.
  6. Understand that you have the right to freedom of action. No one can make you live with a person who does not like you. Divorce is possible and unilaterally, and in case of threats you can contact the law enforcement agencies.

Cerebral daffodil in love relationships confident in his irresistible, high intellectual abilities, which makes him an excellent seducer.

Therefore, it is very difficult to get away from such a person - you become dependent on him.

How to get revenge?

First decide - do you need revengewhether you want to be like a narcissistic person.

If you want to take revenge - adjust your personal life, show how much more successful, beautiful and interesting you have become without him. The selfish person thinks that you cannot live without him, and you prove the opposite.

This fact beats on his self-esteem. Enjoy life, be visible. You can not feel sorry for a man who loves only in himself. He may try to get you back, but this is a road to nowhere, since his behavior will remain the same, moreover, he will want revenge for care.

On how to get revenge on narcissus, you can learn from the video:

Recovery period

After parting, you will have some time to recover and learn to rebuild normal partnerships.

  1. Understand that you deserve happiness and warm emotions from other people. Narcissus did not give you the desired portion of love. The first time you may be afraid to start a new relationship, so do not hurry.
  2. Take care of yourself. First of all, it is necessary to increase self-esteem, which suffered after talking with a narcissistic person.
  3. Take responsibility for your life - for a long time you were led by another person.
  4. Try to keep your identity.Do not let your partner finally destroy it.
  5. Communicate more with people, choose those who easily make contact, do not possess manic character traits. Social contacts will help you to forget and learn to build other relationships, more comfortable.
  6. Most likely, you have forgotten what warm emotions are on the part of your partner. You need to learn to re-accept love and not be afraid to be near people who are ready to give you reciprocity and care.

Relationship with the psychopath narcissus manipulator - This is a series of constant negative emotions that destroy your life.

Do they themselves suffer from a breakup?

Such personalities definitely suffer from a breakup, but not because their loved one left them. They find it difficult to accept the fact that they have become unnecessary, and the object of manipulation has gotten out of control.

Narcissus will not long to worry if a replacement is quickly found. However, he may find a reason for revenge, simply because the partner dared to leave him.

You decide whether you are ready to live with a person who loves only himself. However, if you feel discomfort, decreased self-esteem, depression, consult a psychologistwho will teach how to act in a situation that has arisen.

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