Personal growth

Girlfriend jealous: what to do?

The theme of women's friendship will remain relevant for a very long time. Moreover, we can say that this topic is eternal. The thing is that women's friendship is a more subtle and intricate phenomenon than men's. In men, everything is much easier.

Of course, there is such a female friendship, which can only be admired.

But some women are simply incapable of a sincere relationship with a friend. Deceit, gossip, betrayal - all this is in the friendship between the fair sex.

envy, alas, a frequent companion of female friendship

There is a place here and envy. Women tend to this feeling more than men, although the latter are also often jealous of their comrades. But the man is different envy. For them, it is something motivating for new achievements.

For women, envy is a real cause for hatred and anger towards someone. And worst of all, if this someone else turns out to be a friend.

What can be done to that girl whom her friend envies?

What are the ways out of the situation?

Indeed, how to protect yourself from the envy of friends, acquaintances and strangers? Let's figure it out.

1. For any normal person, envy in his direction is a cause for frustration. Only unhealthy people with low self-esteem can rejoice at being envied. It is especially sad if a friend envies who was considered close, with whom a lot of things have been passed.

Here is the first way to solve the situation. For example, you can temporarily stop communicating with her, pause. For a period, simply don’t get in touch first, and if she’s the first to call, speak calmly to her on neutral topics. Let time put everything in its place.

This is a good option for those who do not want drastic measures (or, perhaps, have not yet made a decision) who are thinking about the situation. Such a pause will help to understand yourself, your feelings, and a friend during this time may cool down, realizes her guilt.

2. If the situation passes all reasonable limits, and the friend behaves inadequately, then we can safely break such a relationship. This can be done if a person has already been given more than one chance to "correct".

A woman herself often intuitively understands whether friendship has a future or not. "Dead" relationship, bringing suffering, is not worth keeping. They must be parted without regret.

3. You can try to talk with a friend, but you need to say right away: this option is the most risky. In this case, you can stumble upon a wall of misunderstanding, aggression and anger, because most often this is how envious women behave in the course of their exposure. But if a person has stumbled, but in itself is not evil, then heart-to-heart talk can have an effect.

4. There is a solution for those who do not want to break off relations with a girlfriend, but can no longer fully trust her. You just need to bring it and discharge the best friend in the category of a friend. Tell her as little personal as possible, no details, and leave only sweet and easy communication about anything over a cup of coffee or in the process of shopping.

And finally, the most important thing is not to become this envious girlfriend, who is all trembling with hatred and malice at the mention of success, achievements and other things. It must be remembered that envy diminishes a person, it makes him weak and insignificant. Jealous, he admits his worthlessness. And this is not the fate of a decent person.

Watch the video: How to Deal With A Jealous Partner (January 2025).