Personal growth

What does yellow color say in psychology?

Yellow - one of the most common flowers found in nature.

Most people refer to yellow as a positive, life-affirming color, so it is able to successfully fit into many interiors and styles.

Yellow color in psychology has a variety of interpretations, depending on its shades and scope of application, but usually psychologists consider it a color that carries mostly positive emotions.

What does psychology mean?

Yellow is one of key colors in the warm part of the color spectrum.

It forms the basis for a number of shades such as orange, brown, jade, fawn, sand, chartreuse.

In fiction, phenomena and objects of yellow color often received colorful epithets. For example, the yellow foliage of autumn trees turned into gold in the works of many Russian writers.

Interesting Facts about yellow color:

  1. Judas Iscariot, the very apostle who betrayed Jesus Christ, is traditionally depicted in a yellow-colored robe.

    In this interpretation, this shade represents treachery, the fall into sin.

  2. In Arabic, there is the phrase "yellow smile", which means insincerity, deceitful smile.
  3. The yellow color in Orthodox iconography symbolizes the gold, light, and love of God.
  4. The Yellow Sea was named this way because it contains a large amount of suspended matter, which makes the water cloudy, yellowish.
  5. In most countries of the world, yellow is common as a warning: yellow cards in sports competitions, yellow traffic lights, various traffic signs using it.

What does yellow personify? Find out from the video:

What is associated with?

The main association that people bring when thinking about yellow color is The sun.

The star, which gave life to everything that is on our planet, looks bright yellow from the side of the earth's surface.

This is due to the fact that the atmosphere surrounding the Earth, removes some of the light waves emanating from the sun.

At the thought of yellow color in the memory of the names of various animals, flowers, fruits. Because yellow color is often found in natureThe list of associations can be very long.

Even small children will remember lemons, bananas, chickens, a warning light and dandelions, if you invite them to name objects that have a yellow color.

Petals of many colors are colored yellow. The most famous flowers of yellow color are the already mentioned dandelion, daffodils, St. John's wort, sunflower.

Symbolism and meaning

Yellow color symbolizes both positive and negative phenomena, properties and feelings, such as:

  • joy;
  • energy;
  • sociability;
  • humor;
  • laugh;
  • heat;
  • summer;
  • betrayal;
  • deception;
  • sarcasm;
  • incontinence;
  • jealousy;
  • envy;
  • greed.

Different shades of yellow have different psychological properties. For example, pale yellow color is often endowed with negative features, associated with such phenomena as greed, envy, deception.

Bright yellow color, on the contrary, usually personifies joy, happiness, friendship, communication and energy.

Use in advertising

Yellow, like other warm, rich tones, able to cause positive associations, often used to advertise products intended for children.

This is a festive, positive color, which can be successfully used in advertising, the plot of which has a connection with the sun, summer, sand, parties, communication.

Yellow in food packaging usually associated with their composition. For example, products with a banana or lemon flavor, aroma are often found in yellow packages.

Also, yellow is associated with intelligence, new ideas, so it is actively used in advertising technology.

When designing an interface with bright, rich yellow shades should be handled carefully: they are well suited to create an emphasis on certain elements help the user to remember the logo, but as the main color it is better not to use them or to develop concise combinations with other colors.

As key colors, neutral shades of yellow are better suited: they create a feeling of comfort.

Impact on the psyche

Colors that a person often encounters in his everyday life can influence his health in a certain way, change his mood, for example, cause a feeling of irritation or, on the contrary, soothe, give strength to activities.

Like other key colors of the warm part of the spectrum, yellow has stimulating rather than calming effect.

Features of the effect of yellow color on well-being:

  1. Yellow is capable of cheer up, has a beneficial effect on the mental state of people with mild forms of depression, improves performance, tones.

    At the same time, prolonged contact with bright yellow objects may increase the likelihood of overwork.

  2. People who are in the interior with an abundance of yellow, more sociable, eager to communicate, work more efficiently in a team.
  3. Improves mental abilities and the cognitive sphere in general, helps creative people to open up, accelerates the adoption of important decisions.
  4. Promotes increase sexual desire.
  5. According to the color therapists, yellow is capable of raise the body temperature and pressure, accelerate the heartbeat. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the organs of vision, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen, intestines, and skin.

Bright shades of yellow have a more pronounced effect on the mental state of a person, the dull, pastel.

If you like yellow: what does it mean?

Each person has certain color preferences that are able to partially reflect the characteristics of his character and personality in general.

Yellow is considered to be loved by an extremely limited number of people, and about 13-14% of the population admit that they dislike it.

Women more often than men find yellow color attractive. In the nature of menloving yellow, the following features are usually present:

  1. Sociability, sociability. These men easily find a common language with others, quickly join new groups, and are often in the spotlight. Communication is easy for them and is an important part of their life. Also extraverts and ambiverts choose yellow color more often, introverts prefer cold, reserved shades more often.
  2. Courage. Men who love yellow are self-confident and brave, not afraid to act openly, sometimes provocatively, if they believe that this can help them achieve the desired goals. Courage allows them to successfully implement their own plans and quickly climb the career ladder.
  3. Activity. These men are peculiar "livelihoods", who somewhere in the back area definitely have a compartment for heavy-duty batteries, so they are less tired and try to do as much as possible in a short period of time.
  4. Intelligence, politeness. They know how to make a positive impression on themselves, successfully entertain jokes, look charming and smart, often attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  5. Optimism. Even if in life they are not doing well, they are doing everything possible not to lose heart, and they are trying to encourage those who are close to them and need emotional support.
  6. Sense of humor. Men who prefer yellow love to work in public, and jokes are one of their ways to make a positive impression on others.

Women who love yellow, have about the same character traits as men.

They are able to work hard lively, kindly related to the people around them and able to find a common language with them.

The humor they use in everyday life is usually softer, less provocativethan the one used by men.

They can also distinguish the following character traits:

  1. Have a rich imagination, creative. They easily generate unusual, interesting ideas, they are often interested in creativity and science.
  2. Have a good taste. Women who prefer yellow have a well-developed color perception and are not afraid to seem too bright, so their wardrobe has many colorful, colorful outfits.

In childhood color preferences are rather unstable, strongly depend on the mood of the child and on what colors are loved by parents and friends.

But if a child finds some specific colors attractive for a long time, this means that his preferences are relatively formed.

Yellow color is often chosen by children who have the following character traits:

  1. Purposefulness. They persist in the process of achieving goals, even if it may seem from the outside that these goals are not particularly important. They have a well developed concentration of attention, they are diligent and rarely give trouble.
  2. Leadership abilities. These children are charming, able to attract the attention of others, to organize and direct them. They often become organizers of games at playgrounds, take on the role of leading.
  3. Mind and rich imagination. They have a well-developed memory, they are inquisitive and have a clearly formed circle of interests. Developed imagination helps them to invent new entertainment and solve life problems in unusual ways.
  4. Sociability. At an early age, these children tend to be the center of attention and have as many friends as possible.

What does color hostility mean?

There are a lot of people who consider yellow to be unappealing, and they also have certain features of character.

They have the following features:

  • pessimism or realism in judgments;
  • concentration;
  • isolation;
  • uncommunicability;
  • practicality.

There are many people who do not like yellow introverts.

Who can be recommended to use?

Clothes bright yellow psychologists do not recommend wearing for important interviews, because others may find such a person frivolous.

Also, bright yellow shades are better not to use as the main ones in the interior: they can be tiring, be too annoying.

For the bedroom Calm shades of yellow will do: pastel or, on the contrary, dark ones. Bright yellow shades are best reserved for creating spectacular accents in the room.

Yellow color goes well with blue, blue, white, brown, black and gray.

Active, fun and sociable people are perfect clothes or accessories, painted in yellow: it will emphasize their good-natured temper.

What is the combination of yellow in clothes? Tips:

Should I give yellow flowers?

There is a common opinion in society that giving yellow flowers is not worth it, because they symbolize separation, jealousy, treason.

But in fact, according to floriography - the language of flowers, yellow flowers are in no way connected with parting and carry mostly positive symbolic meaning.

Yellow flowers - a symbol of joy, happiness, harmony and wealth.

Also, when giving flowers, it is important first of all to rely not on the opinion established in the society and not even on the tenets of floriography, but on the individual color preferences of the person who receives the gift.

If a girl is delighted with the yellow color, a bouquet of yellow roses or a carefully woven dandelion wreath presented as a gift will hardly upset her.

Negative features

People who love yellowThe following negative traits are inherent:

  • distraction;
  • excessive love of sarcasm;
  • lightheadedness;
  • critical in views.

Long contact with a large number of yellow objects can tire and even cause headache overly sensitive people. Yellow can also increase aggressiveness in hot-tempered people.

Ideas for using yellow in the interior in this video:

Watch the video: What Does Your Favorite Color Reveal About Your Personality? (January 2025).