
Fetish and fetishism: the manifestation of (un) healthy desire

Sexual addiction, which is different from the "normal", we immediately refer to the category of perversions. But sexual interest in a short skirt or muscular arms is not always considered a deviation from the norm. Unusual manifestations of fetishism today can be seen not only in films, but also in real life. What is his problem? Where is the line between normal and deviation? Can you not feel guilty when you want to play in bed? In fetishes, there is nothing wrong if they whip up imagination and become the foundation for new ideas.

What is a fetish

Fetish comes from the French word Fetiche, which translates as "idol", "mascot". In modern language it is used in several interpretations:

In the original interpretation fetishism was associated with a religious cult of non-living fetish objectswhich people endowed with supernatural powers. For primitive peoples, this was a deified thing: idol, idol, amulets, talismans, amulets. In the religious sense, fetishism is used to describe differences in the beliefs of ancient peoples. Accordingly, fetish is the subject of blind deification.

In medicine, fetishism refers to sexual perversion and refers to personality disorders. The fetishist is capable of sexual arousal only if there is an inadequate material stimulus (fetish). Often he is not able to control his actions. But medical treatment is possible only in the case when addiction interferes with a person’s social life.

But today, the boundaries of the concept have expanded greatly and are not related to sexual perversion (perversion) in their everyday meaning. Sex therapists claim that many more people are fetishists than we think. To define the "easy form" fetishism even introduced the concept of "alternative sexual behavior" or "sexual preference." If a man likes the scent of a woman’s hair or red high-heeled shoes, he’s not exactly called a pervert.

Fetish selection is unexpected and original.. Most often, sexual desire manifests itself in clothing: underwear, stockings, panties. Often fetishes are parts of the body (fingers, ears), smells (perfumes, skin, sweat) or behavioral patterns (the habit of twisting a lock of hair). Sometimes objects that have no sexual overtones become objects of addiction: mechanisms, blood, trees, baths or pools. Manipulations are also different: from simply admiring to licking and eating.

Other meanings of fetishism:

  • In a figurative sense, fetish refers to any tangible or intangible object of unconditional worship, blind recognition. For example, workaholic fetishes are considered a career, achieving goals. And the literacy fetishism is manifested by a search for words in which many people incorrectly put emphasis.
  • In his Capital, Karl Marx uses the definition of “commodity fetishism”. According to the author, commodity fetishism is manifested by the feeling that non-living goods are valuable in themselves. That is, the value of an inanimate object becomes greater than the value of the labor of a living person who made it.

What is fetishism from the point of view of modern psychotherapists

Sexologists claim that the associations that lead to sexual fetishism are laid at a young age. As a rule, each fetishist has his own children's or youthful history, from which it all began. Usually it includes three essential elements: lack of communication with the mother / father, emotional attachment to a certain thing and unpleasant, painful sexual experience.

From the standpoint of psychology classic fetishism is manifested in cases where the fetishist cannot make contact with a partner without the presence of a fetish. That is, the presence of another person is subconsciously perceived as a danger, so the fetishistic consciousness redirects attention to an innocuous inanimate object.

If the deviation does not cause a person suffering, does not interfere with normal sex life, does not lead to the dismissal of work, it does not require medical intervention. If the fetishist can not control his actions, trying to get rid of the pathological propensity, not to do without serious rehabilitation.

In ordinary life some elements of fetishism are considered the norm for sex life. In this case, inanimate things are not considered autonomous, mandatory subject of excitement. That is, with them fun, but without them everything will work out. Fetishes become a pleasant reminder of a partner or they trigger the mechanism of erotic fantasies.

Top 7 fetishes for which can not be ashamed

For some reason, historically, the main fetishists are men. And the weaker sex, modestly lowering his gaze, would call the male mind or sense of humor objects of arousal. Call something call, but remember something completely different. Modern liberated women have already put down their list of things that make their knees bend. And the list is not only beautiful male priests.

Top 3 most popular female fetishes

  1. Long hair. Perhaps the luxurious mop of hair reminds a little of the courageous Vikings, the romantic Robin Hoods or the imperturbable Indians from the books of Fenimore Cooper. And it should be exactly mound. Because fat slicked hairs or skinny pigtail do not cause the slightest interest in anyone.
  2. The beard woodcutter. Male beard sexuality is directly dependent on fashion. If at the end of the twentieth century, women were turned on by an intelligent pointed beard, today ladies come to a frenzy from a beard full of clothes, complete with habits of “casually dressed macho”. But women's delight does not apply to the bulky "priests" beard.
  3. Expressive hands. The category is very diverse. It includes long musical fingers and well-groomed nails, pumped biceps. No less attractive manner to drive or hide hands in his pockets, beautiful gestures. But there should be no sweaty palms, skinny fingers or wide chopped movements.

Top 3 most popular male fetishes

  1. Stilettos, better red. The subject of adoration for the absolute majority of men usually comes with a sexy "wagging" gait and erotic swaying of the hips. They say that a thin hairpin is simultaneously associated with female fragility and a secret male desire to be under the heel.
  2. Foot fetish (body parts). Category is big. Traditionally, expressive eyes and playful, bold eyes, naturally plump lips, tight butt, tummy, breast and décolleté, hips and ankles fall into it. But there is no place for excessively pumped "sinewy" biceps, duck lips and a steel press with expressive cubes.
  3. Underwear and bedding. Traditionally, fishnet tights, stockings and garters, thin lace bras and uniforms are considered fetishes. A popular fetish is worn underwear, blankets or sheets, on which young girls have slept.

Topping the list of fetish materials leather and latex. This is a classic fetish. Bikers in tight-fitting leather pants or cat-women in tight latex jumpsuits are very popular. Lovers of such fetish fashions from many countries are united in communities, regularly gather at fairs or similar events.

Unusual fetishes

Many have probably heard of wondrous addictions like fitting diapers or craving for mannequins. But lately, strange attachments have become part of pop culture and received separate names. The list of unusual addictions includes several dozen definitions.

Preferences existing in reality:

  • Skatology - the desire to call strangers and tell obscene things.
  • Nasophilia - the sexual pleasure of staring at, touching the nose of a stranger.
  • Fornifilia - representation of the object of attraction in the form of a piece of furniture.
  • Spectrophilia is a craving for ghosts.
  • Dendrophilia - craving for trees and other large plants.

For every lover of strange goods for excitement there are sellers offering unwashed socks, videos with insults. And it is not surprising, because the difficulties associated with the acquisition of fetish, are also considered part of the ritual.


  • Classic sexual fetishism is a deviation that prevents you from building a harmonious relationship with another person.
  • Innocent fetishes like red linen or a nurse's lab coat have long been considered the norm.
  • The subjects of attraction in women are not less than in men.
  • On the sale of strange goods for fetishists, people manage to build a profitable business.

Watch the video: The Secret Behind All Sexual Fetishes - Teal Swan - (December 2024).