Family and Children

Marriage of convenience: is it worth going for it?

Marriage of convenience is a fairly broad concept. In any case, it means that someone marries not at the behest of feelings, but under the influence of some circumstances. There are two types of such reasons.

What can mean the calculation

Most often, this implies a mercantile interest. For example, for someone the only chance to get their own housing is to marry someone who already has one.

Sometimes the law puts those who need citizenship in such a position, and nothing but a marriage union can give such a right. And such situations can be many - from career growth to elementary well-being.

Another type of calculation is not related to finance. Sometimes someone, disappointed in strong feelings, simply does not want to love anyone, but wants to start a family. Just because you need someone nearby or need a father for a child.

Another situation when two meet and understand that they are ideally combined with characters, do not expect ardent feelings from each other and want to live together - this can also be called a calculation.

Deciding on this step

Tying oneself up by marriage is a very serious step, and the union by calculation requires many factors to be taken into account.

Many are concerned about the moral side of the issue. Someone thinks that it is dishonest in relation to itself and the future partner in life. Sometimes remorse does not come immediately. Therefore, it is important to think about this issue in advance, to listen to your conscience. This is especially true when marriage is due to financial issues.

Another annoying situation that may arise after a marriage of convenience was concluded - the appearance of strong romantic feelings for someone else. You need to decide for yourself what is more important - a family or a new hobby. If the marriage outweighs, you need to be very attentive to who and what time to communicate.

Leading calculations can not exclude the appearance of children. Their birth greatly influences values, requires great sacrifices and a good atmosphere in the family. Their interests also need to be considered - even if there are no children yet.

Children always feel if their parents are not bound by anything but obligations. This greatly suppresses them emotionally, and in the future may influence their choice of life partner.

When children are the reason for the union, it is important to determine: how much do they need a full family, and at what price? Will a life partner really be a good parent? If another child appears in marriage, how will this affect family relationships? These questions should not be taken lightly - their decision will greatly affect the future.

How to make a marriage of convenience happy

Many consider marriage of convenience to be the antipode of a union for love, but this is not quite the case. There is a lot in common between them. After all, it is also important for a love union to weigh its interests and desires of a partner. And both unions can be both happy and unhappy.

The higher the expectations of a relationship, the more frustrating it will be. Do not think that the creation of a family according to the calculation obliges a life partner to be perfect and to tolerate any behavior without complaint.

The basis of a good relationship is respect. To put up with shortcomings can be very difficult, especially if there is no love for a person. Sometimes getting along with such situations seems like too much a victim. It is important to compile a list of reasons why this person deserves respect, and keep him in mind constantly.

You should not take for granted what a life partner does. Gratitude strengthens relationships and encourages doing more for each other. Such behavior creates a warm atmosphere in which more tender feelings can arise.

What you need to prepare

Knowing the shortcomings of such a union, it is easier to prepare for them and respond correctly in the future. Especially many difficulties arise in bonds that are beneficial only to one side.

The intimate sphere of life can be perceived by spouses in different ways. Someone may consider it optional, the other - a duty. Some betrayal in such a marriage does not seem a betrayal. Most often, the execution of marital duty does not please someone from the spouses. This question can be tactfully discussed in advance, or morally prepared.

If relationships are created because of money, an apartment or other financial issues, the one who initially had all this may consider a husband or wife a thing that does not have rights and needs. Often this situation becomes almost unbearable - the marriage can be long and unhappy. Total control and complete indifference can be equally depressing.

If a marriage of convenience is beneficial only to one side, there is always the risk of divorce. Therefore, you must either prepare for it, or find something that will make the union mutually beneficial.

It is important to remember about such risky turns and weigh everything in advance. Marriage of convenience will be the happiest, given the interests of others, to be polite and grateful. Such relationships often become not only longer than love marriages, but over time, real feelings appear in them.

Watch the video: A Marriage of Convenience 1998 Full Movie (May 2024).