A life

What to do when everything is sick: 7 bold advice is not for the weak

If there is no desire to act, to correct the situation when everything is enough, you can immediately close this article. The advice in it is intended solely for those who understand that their own happiness depends on the person himself and not on anyone else.

Many are accustomed to blaming the troubles surrounding people for their troubles. Few are trying to change themselves. But these units really succeed. The first step on the path to a happy and successful life will be your own changes. But which ones?

What to do if everything is tired

Stop complaining

Complaints and lamentations better forever eradicated from their lives, because they:

  • take time;
  • do not help;
  • repel others;
  • make you look pitiful;
  • forced to dwell on the problem;
  • worsen the situation.

As for the last two points, they are interrelated. The phrase “words are material” has a scientific basis. If you think about the negative or voice such thoughts, the brain begins to perceive it as a fact. What is the result?

Firstly, negative messages cause depression, neurosis, fatigue, and illness. Secondly, they also kill the desire to act, since any attempt seems impossible or useless. That is why people, who often complain for reasons and without, extremely rarely succeed even with outside help, and never do so on their own.

Taboo gossip

The breaking of rumors is officially a confession: “My life is so boring that I look for interest in someone else’s.” It is rarely gossip to be positive, but even they spoil life, to say nothing about negative ones. In order not to become a gossip, it is enough to pass each phrase through 5 filters:

  1. true. Hearing the news from a neighbor, acquaintance, or even a relative does not always mean getting the fact. You can rely only on reliable sources, otherwise there is a risk to put someone else’s slander on;
  2. positive. Bad news diverge quickly, and so they learn;
  3. benefit. There is no need to say too much, especially if it can harm someone;
  4. secret. Before disclosing information, it is useful to begin to find out if it is not secret;
  5. right listeners. Caution in choosing those who reported the news does not hurt. Some will be able to use the information reasonably, others distort the facts, will serve as a link in the system of “damaged telephone”.

Rumors distract from their own lives. How can you enjoy every day if the whole existence consists of spying on the thoughts and actions of others?

Forget about excuses

“Today did not work, as the guests came. Yesterday - because you had to make an important call. The day before yesterday did not have enough time. A month ago, the mood did not come. Last spring, the Moon was not in Capricorn. ” This is just an excuse. If a person really wants something, he does it. He wants to eat - he goes and eats, he wants water - he drinks it. There is no other.

It is difficult to force and step over yourself, but it is impossible to achieve change in another way. Happiness requires that they actively fight for it, otherwise it depreciates. The fact that it is easy to swim into the hands is not encouraging, does not interest for a long time. The conclusion is simple and logical: all “I can’t”, “no time, money, motivation” - aside.

Don't wait for the right time.

The beauty of the mythical “tomorrow” is that it never comes. The new day is already “today”. Waiting for “that moment”, a person loses the most precious, irrevocable - his time. A long wait faces the following consequences:

  • loss of confidence in the decision and yourself, lower self-esteem;
  • loss of strength, as the body is in constant tension;
  • deprivation of value, importance of the expected event;
  • the appearance of indifference towards current events, joys;
  • increasing expectations, followed by disappointment.

The main problem is that the ideal period may not come at all. The opportunity will be missed, a feeling of emptiness will appear, because waiting has taken so much energy, and in return nothing.

Pacify pride

Excessive pride does not allow to apologize, start everything small and gradually grow. Therefore, proud people sooner or later begin problems with communication, work. Self-realization, the search for recognition also suffer, since no one is able to appreciate the greatness of the proud. From constant failures appear thoughts of indifference to life, while blaming is shifted to anything, just not on themselves.

Sometimes, to improve life, it is enough to remove the mask of arrogance, allowing himself to become an ordinary person. Even the most successful personalities started out small. Happy people know that everything ingenious is simple, and striving for this simplicity is the best solution.

Drive out laziness

Under a rolling stone, water does not flow, as do rivers of success under a lazy person. How to overcome laziness? Many justify themselves by lack of motivation. For people who are ready to fight for their happiness, it is either not needed at all, or it is created by itself. By itself, the push to work will not come. It’s just that a person has alternatives, for example:

  • jogging or another day with ten extra pounds;
  • the development of a foreign language, work abroad or unjustified labor for pennies;
  • struggle with the fear of live communication or loneliness;
  • a promised meeting with a friend or a lengthy quarrel;
  • timely cooking, cleaning or health problems;
  • 5-minute ironing of clothes or ridiculous rumpled look in front of an important person;
  • cosmetics washed away at night or skin problems;
  • on time cleared clog, repaired tap or scandal with flooded neighbors.

The list is endless. If a person is so lazy that he is ready to live in the conditions described after “or”, no one but himself will help him.

Revise Ambitions

A person setting unreachable goals rarely finds happiness. Not all become presidents, ambassadors, millionaires, or world famous stars. Moreover, not everyone needs this. The fulfillment of great desires imposes an equal responsibility. Few people think about how many responsibilities of the same president, how rarely an ambassador sees loved ones, how much time a millionaire spends in the office and how much an artist dreams of privacy, minutes without paparazzi. Ambitions are adequate, and not overstated, if:

  • to translate the conceived into reality is real, for this there is knowledge, ability, means or they can be obtained;
  • It is not a shame to show society and the results of your work;
  • the affair benefits, or at least has the potential;
  • people with independent opinions see potential in a person;
  • constructive criticism is noted, not denied;
  • revenues cover expenses or there is a noticeable tendency to this.

And one more tip: it is better to immediately learn how to live within your means. With sufficient self-control, this can be achieved. If the financial situation does not suit you - this is a reason to work on the situation, and not to spend an inadmissible amount due to stress.

When everything is enough, the analysis of the situation is better to start with yourself. Is there enough power to fix the problem? Are the methods chosen correctly? Being engaged in self-education, self-development can achieve a lot. Such activities will be excellent companions on the road to happiness.

Watch the video: Top 10 Crazy Challenges in Fear Factor (May 2024).