
Reviews about the course "WITHOUT PANIKI"

"Any highly developed technology is indistinguishable from magic"
Arthur Clark

A month and a half ago, my course “WITHOUT PANIC” started. No ... It all started not with this. A year ago, I had the idea to write a course on getting rid of panic attacks. No, it all started even earlier. A few years ago my article “How to get rid of panic attacks” was published, which has become very popular on the Internet ... Earlier! It happened 10 years before today. One summer night I experienced a strong attack of fear and anxiety. It seemed to me that I would die or go crazy right on my bed. That's where it all started! I'll tell you everything in order, and then post reviews about my new course "WITHOUT PANIC". It will be better this way.

Panic attacks tormented me not much not a little, 5 years. During this time, I tried to passively wait for it to go away by itself, to contact the doctors in the hope that the pills would help me get rid of the attacks of fear and panic. But neither did. I wanted to get rid of panic attacks, but at the same time I did not want to change myself: to change my habits, lifestyle and thinking. But it did not work!

And I began to meditate on the advice of my friend. When I first started practicing, I waited for some kind of magic from her, thinking that the panic attacks would pass by themselves, as if by magic. But the deeper I penetrated the practice of meditation, the less magic remained in it. No, she acted flawlessly, giving me the opportunity to better understand myself, see the reason for my fear in myself and eliminate this cause. But this did not happen by virtue of magic, but as a result of a specific technology of work on oneself, which meditation made possible.

Technique and technology of meditation

“Any highly developed technology is indistinguishable from magic,” said my favorite science fiction writer Arthur Clark. Also, at first glance, meditation seems to be some kind of incomprehensible technique that works by virtue of some unknown processes. This can be compared with the fact that a plane flying overhead would seem to be a magical bird for a man from the Middle Ages. But if you look, it turns out that there is no magic, there is only a set of specific mechanisms and processes that provide a very specific result.

"... this course gave me more than 8 months of work with a psychologist!"

~ Elena. From feedback on the course

Armed with this effective tool, the technology of work on myself, which was called meditation, I got rid of panic attacks. Moreover, I completely ceased to be afraid of them. “Let them come back!” - I thought. I know what to do with them.

Meditation allowed me to take a fresh look at myself, find out what lies behind fear and develop important mental skills to overcome fear, eliminate obsessive thoughts, relax and calm my mind. Because of this, I managed to defeat fear. I was very inspired by my own successes and discoveries, I really wanted to share this with thousands of people who suffer panic attacks, swallow pills, go to doctors, but cannot do anything about it, because they are going the wrong way, suppressing fear, but not his acceptance!

Then everything seemed to me very simple and logical: "I will write an article, people will read it, begin to meditate and get rid of panic attacks." But in reality, everything was not so simple. Someone just doubted the practice.

“Will meditation help precisely with my problem?”

Others began to meditate, but they threw out, firstly, because of the lack of instant results, and secondly, because of a misunderstanding of what practice has to do with getting rid of panic attacks.

"I meditate for a week, but fear does not pass, what am I doing wrong?"

In either case, people were confronted with a lack of understanding of the mechanisms and technology behind the meditation.

I remind you that there is little magic in practice. And the question “will meditation help me personally with my individual phobia?” Is tantamount to the question: “Will healthy lifestyles, moderate physical education and regular rest help my individual health problem?”. It can be said that these things contribute both to general health promotion and also to the prevention of many diseases. This is not to say that they will help some people, but they will not help others. Yes, they will help someone more and more quickly, others less and more slowly, but they will contribute to improving the health of each person.

Also, meditation is the basis of your mental health (which is closely related to physical) and will help you deal with any psychological ailments and problems. I believe that meditation can help every person get rid of panic attacks!

Having this faith, I also had an understanding based on experience. Tell people to "meditate" and give meditation technique is not enough! Just an article is not enough. People need, first, to understand why they meditate, how this can solve their problem. Secondly, to know how with the help of the technique of meditation you can overcome fear, get rid of obsessive thoughts and calm your mind, like using meditation skills to get rid of panic attacks forever. Thirdly, in order for meditation to be beneficial, it is necessary to give clear and comprehensive recommendations on technique, answering all the questions that arise.

And questions, as a rule, arise a lot. On the one hand, meditation seems very simple, but as soon as you start practicing, many problems and questions immediately appear.

And people need not only an intelligible technique of meditation, but also a technology to combat panic attacks with the help of meditation and awareness. After all, just sitting and meditating so that panic attacks are over is not enough! It is necessary to use the skills that meditation against fear, anxiety and anxiety develops.

To meet all these goals, to teach people techniques and techniques of meditation, I decided to record a detailed video course about getting rid of panic attacks. I began to prepare for the recording a year ago, studying books and materials devoted to the problem of panic attacks, as well as the problem of getting rid of panic attacks with the help of meditation. I became convinced that this approach has already proven itself in therapy a long time ago and that the conclusions I received in my practice do not differ much from the conclusions of leading psychotherapists in this field.

It is very pleased. I was upset that I saw that not only many people suffering from panic attacks, but also many experts do not know what to do with it. All that they can do is to prescribe pills and give some simple relaxation techniques that cannot be dispensed with. Well, nothing, all this continues to evolve and the methods in which meditation is used, active work on oneself is beginning to penetrate more and more into the field of prevention of panic attacks. My course took the best of these advanced techniques.

I also studied some of the popular Western courses of getting rid of panic attacks. One of these courses was very good. He proposed to eliminate the cause of the panic without any pills and doctors, referring to the most common problems that can arise in people on the way to get rid of fear. But there was clearly something missing in it. He suggested using the same techniques that I used, which were based on the skills of meditation, but at the same time, did not teach the meditation itself.

(which proves once again that meditation is a really effective technique for getting rid of panic attacks)

It is the same as advising people to dive into the water, not teaching them to swim, or asking them to lift weights, not advising them to go to the gym first!

This gave me even greater confidence that I should write down my course. Since he will offer something really new, which is not in other programs, at the same time something very effective.

Work on the creation of the course

And six months ago, after a long preparation of the plan and course content, the collection of materials, I began to record the course. It was a hard and painstaking work: there were a lot of video shootings, duplicates, editing. I rented a recording studio to record my meditation audio in the highest quality and spent several days there. I even connected my yoga teacher to the course (during the recording I lived in India). And he gave some great exercises to relax the body and mind and to eliminate anxiety.

“Nikolay, thanks for this lesson. I use it in obsessive thoughts, this is a great method. And to my surprise, terrible thoughts began to appear less and less in my head, and even when they flicker, there is no longer such an alarm and panic as before.

~ Tatiana. Comment to one of the lessons of the course "WITHOUT PANIC"

The result was a 17-day course with a lot of additional exercises and materials. (By the way, I continue to update it even after I published it, adding new text materials and exercises to it). Every day the program gives a theory about the mechanism of panic attacks, practical exercises and meditation. I tried to do all this not too long in duration so that you could do the exercises, for example, after work.

I placed the program on the interactive platform getcourse in order to have full feedback with the program participants, help them and support them. I tried to implement the idea of ​​a universal platform that step by step helps people overcome panic disorder, teaches them effective techniques, providing the opportunity for help and support on each issue, as well as the opportunity to communicate with each other like a closed community. I think I managed to achieve this goal.

The course includes:

  • A dozen different meditation techniques with a detailed explanation of their correct execution.
  • Learning how to work with your fears and phobias using meditation, yoga and other techniques for developing awareness
  • The most effective techniques for relaxing and overcoming fear
  • Help and support for your questions and concerns
  • Opportunity to communicate with me and other participants

Despite the fact that the course is based on meditation, it includes a lot of other exercises. And even if for some reason you will not meditate (which I do not recommend), these exercises will be enough for many of you to get rid of panic.

A month and a half ago, the course became available to all. I was a little worried whether people would like it or not. But the sympathetic and grateful feedback about him from the first participants helped me feel more confident. These reviews I cite here. In addition to the reviews, I also posted reports of the course participants on the work done.

Reviews about the course "WITHOUT PANIKI"

Elena Cheremkova

"Hello! The course is completed and I want to share my impressions and results. To say that he helped me to say nothing! My panic attacks began three years ago against the background of a very difficult life situation and were in a very active and pronounced form for about a year. The psychologist brought me out of this state for 8 months, using breathing exercises and techniques that are somewhat similar to Yoga Nidra. But!!!! He did not say that he needed to work on himself further, change his thinking, behavior, reactions. I recently moved to another country and the PA returned, though not in such a pronounced form. The course of Nicholas became the magic wand that I now need. After completing the course, I understand that the most important thing is to change. Panic attacks, neurosis, depression - this is a continuation of our personality and without work on this psychological problems will be rid of forever! Meditation under the guidance of Nicholas gives us these tools and working you understand what you need to change in yourself in order to cope with these problems forever. Special thanks to a detailed explanation of the nature of obsessive thoughts and how to work with them. I want to say, this course gave me more than 8 months of work with a psychologist! I am now much calmer in responding to various life situations, I understand and accept my fear and see problems that need to be worked on. The intensity of fear has decreased markedly. Guys, everyone who now suffers panic attacks, fears, phobias, obsessive thoughts, I want to say that these conditions are surmountable !!! You just need to believe in it and work on yourself and not give up what you started! Nikolay !!! You have done a great job on yourself and thank you for sharing your knowledge! Recomend for everybody!"

Evgenia Voznyuk

“Thank you, Nikolay! All the lessons have been completed and there are improvements. I was finally able to go to work. Before that, for 2 weeks I couldn’t force myself to go to the building and take free vacations. I work as a teacher and, when an attack began during the lecture, the maximum was enough for me It is to leave the audience and find a lonely place. Now, thanks to breathing and affirmations, I have been able to spend all the couples for 3 days. I will continue all the practices and thank you again for the work you have done, having studied this topic and brought all into the system. "

Anna Sakovskaya, 28 years old, Arsenyev

“Hello) I can not share my impressions of the course: Nikolay Perov:“ Without Panic ”... I suffered panic attacks for 3 years. I am 28 years old, I am from the Far East and our doctors are still a little ill. Before the course of Nicholas, I underwent training that promised healing, after which I only got worse, there was a big rollback to the main one caused by emotions. I was absorbed in thoughts of the past, of my mistakes, and I again returned to the vicious circle of round-the-clock panic. Pills. Quit playing sports. The first words of the course began with the words of Nikolai: "We are not here to change our past" .... it was very important for me to hear them. This is exactly what I was looking for! It is pleasant to feel support, even remotely, to feel that you are on the same wavelength with a person. This instills additional strength)))) Inspires during periods of recoil. The whole course Nikolai besides lessons answers questions, gives recommendations. Having completed the course you will not only get rid of panic attacks, but acquire a new attitude to life, find a source of inner strength and harmony, which will remain with you forever. Learn healthy thinking and interaction with people. Get rid of social phobias. I was greatly helped by the advice of 16 lessons in communicating with family and friends, learn to enjoy life being in the moment here and now, which for me played an important role in getting rid of panic attacks. This course is a step towards a new, happy and healthy life! Thank you), Nikolay! ”

Olga, Yakutsk

"Hello! I want to leave a review about the video course of Nikolai Perov "WITHOUT PANIC". But first of all I would like to express my deep gratitude to Nikolai for his hard work! You are doing a very important thing! I was among the first lucky people to complete this course. I will not reveal all the secrets, but I will share something. In the course of many explanations of what is PA, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, depression, where they come from and how to work with them. In each lesson, in addition to theory, a practical lesson and tests, questions. What is very valuable, all the work is done on their own experience. A lot of personal example, stories, which is also very important. There is an opportunity to ask questions, communicate, share experiences. (who does not want remains invisible to other participants). I also consider it important that this course remains with you for life. You can always come back, ask questions. In the course will be updates, which Nikolai notifies. Just recently, a new, excellent article about obsessive thoughts came out. This course is not a pill for fear, panic, anxiety, depression, this is work on yourself with the help of Nicholas, but believe me, it's worth it! Recommend!"

Petya Nankova, Bulgaria

[Note: The punctuation and spelling of the original is partially preserved. For a Russian person, the language is not native!]

Hello, I am from Bulgaria, I am 22 years old, my PA started 8 months ago, I visited a psychologist, she told me about the site of Nikolai, I recommended that this site is very good, when I read his articles, I realized that I was not the only one PA, during the course I understood a lot of things. It helped me a lot to accept that the PA is not scary, that yoga and meditation help us a lot and not only in the PA, but in different situations. Every day when I am at university or drinking coffee with friends, I do diaphragmatic exercises, which I learned during the course, when I wake up and do exercises from yoga. I admire and thank for the fact that there are people like Nikolai who help people with PA . I thank him for learning a lot of things from this course, and for understanding that it is necessary to change something in my life. I find it difficult to explain everything I want about this course, because Russian is not my native, if I have to explain in Bulgarian, I will speak a lot, because this course is unique. Thanks again Nikolay, for helping people !!!

Galina, Petrozavodsk

Hello, Nikolay. Thank God or Providence that was on your site. Если скажу, что я уже решила все свои проблемы, связанные с ПА, то это будет неправдой, потому что в ситуации, связанные с ПА мы втягиваемся постепенно, а выбраться хотим мгновенно, но так не бывает. В курсе это подчеркивается, как и то, что невозможна работа над собой без «откатов», это тоже нужно понять, принять и двигаться дальше. Этот курс позволяет жаждующим исцеления, изменения своей жизни, идти в верном направлении. Это неоценимая помощь, тем более, что автор прошел этот путь сам и на собственном примере доказал, что это возможно. Дальнейшее зависит от желания работать над собой. Без понимания этого вряд ли что получится. Спасибо, Николай, лично для меня курс был очень полезен и важен. Оказалось, что можно наблюдать и изучать особенности работы своего ума, как бы это ни звучало странно. Осознанность, принятие происходящего, работа с негативными эмоциями, медитации - это далеко не полный перечень, над чем стоило «хорошенько подумать и поразмыслить» во время курса. Я бы посоветовала этот курс всем, кто хочет избавиться от ПА без таблеток. Важно, что курс включает много практических заданий, много объяснений, пояснений, подробного «растолковывания», кроме основных материалов содержит дополнительные. Хорошо, что курс и не короткий, и не слишком длинный, с домашними заданиями, это позволяет немножко организовать себя, что в начале обучения просто необходимо. Курс сделан с добром в сердце, с желанием помочь людям, поэтому воспринимается легко и ненавязчиво. И самое главное - нигде больше не найти такого понятного и доступного метода избавления от ПА!


С сайтом Николая Перова я познакомился в конце 2013 года, когда искал ответы на вопросы по поводу своей депрессии. Но это не единственный вопрос, который меня мучал. На фоне депрессии у меня появились навязчивые мысли, панические атаки (ПА),развился алкоголизм. ПА меня мучила на следующий день после обильного принятия алкоголя, к вечеру. Дереализация личности, страх сойти с ума, причинить вред близким - все это было и было страшно, думал, что живу последние дни и будет только хуже. Но всё-таки, последними надеждами, собравшись, я решил искать выходы из этого болота. Путем интернет серфинга, я обнаружил статью на сайте Николая о панических атаках. Прочитав взахлеб статью и увидев себя с такими же проблемами, продолжил дальше штудировать сайт и находить ответы на свои вопросы. Начал медитировать, делать большие перерывы в употреблении алкоголя и где то через 3 месяца практики медитации и выполнении рекомендаций, я перестал испытывать ПА. Начал изучать себя, следить за своими мыслями, здоровьем. Ждал выходов новых статей, перечитывал старые. Хотел даже приехать на лекцию в Москве - посмотреть воочию на гениального человека, но не смог. И, наконец-то, выходит его курс. Без сомнений я начал процедуру приобретения. Хоть и ПА меня перестала беспокоить, но увидеть, услышать, закрепить знания и совместно попрактиковаться с Николаем - ни на сантиметр не остановило меня, да и отблагодарить за его труды в виде небольшой суммы за базовый курс мне было необходимо и приятно. Узнал немало нового, чего нет на сайте. Более, как я считаю, стал делать понятнее для себя медитацию с концентрацией на дыхании. Аудиофайлы с голосом очень расслабляют и наставляют на корректные действия. Также присутствует много новых, неизвестных мне техник, которые я начал вводит в режим своего дня. Приятной неожиданностью было увидеть учителя Николая, говорящего на Хинглише 😉 Большое и огромное спасибо за курс и неоценимый вклад в борьбе с ПА Николаю. Здоровья ему, творческих успехов и ждем новый курсов и статей!

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