
Bipolar affective personality disorder: symptoms and signs

Bipolar affective disorder is a disease of the psyche that either suppresses or elevates a person.

It would seem that, mood change is inherent in everyone, but here everything is much more serious.

A rather dangerous disease, if during not paying attention to the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Short story

The first mentions of the BAR date back to 1854.

Previously, this disease was called "manic-depressive psychosis."

In the 90s it was decided rename her in "bipolar affective disorder."

Now in a society use this name. Most famous and talented people suffered from this affliction.

The public has only recently become too violently discussing and worrying patients with BAR. This is due to the fact that many people who are the idols of the majority diagnose this disease.


Bipolar affective disorder or manic-depressive psychosis is a mental illness that is characterized by a state of severe euphoria (mania), or dramatically pushes a person into a depressed state (depression).

Has nothing to do with simple mood swings. in person. Some people may mistakenly think that they have BAR, because many people have frequent and sudden mood swings, but what happens in bipolar disorder is much more serious.

This completely exhausts a person, he cannot lead a normal life, in especially serious cases this or that condition may lead to suicide. During periods when the disease does not worsen, the patient leads quite a normal life, but in moments of strong mania or depression, he immediately changes.


Not exactly clear until the endwhat exactly causes BAR.

But scientists identify a number of reasons that contribute to the development of this disease:

  1. Genetic predisposition - BAR is not a genetic disease, but if there are those who suffered from psychosis in the family, especially if they are parents or siblings, the risk of bipolar disorder is several times higher than those who do not have this disease in the family history.
  2. Biology - scientists study the brain of patients with BAR and healthy people, in the first case there are violations of the brain, however, scientists have not yet figured out whether this is the cause of the development of BAR or is a consequence.
  3. Stressful situations - Various episodes that the body perceives as a strong shock can lead to bipolar disorder.
  4. For one person this or that situation may mean nothing, and for another it may become the very impetus from which the disease begins to develop (financial difficulties, divorce, betrayal, violence, etc.).

  5. Nervous breakdown - after severe stress, a nervous breakdown can occur, which leads to prolonged depression and the development of the disease.
  6. Alcoholism and the use of narcotic substances - all this adversely affects the human brain.
  7. Lack of sleep, constant fatigue, disrupted day regimen can significantly shake the mental health of a person.

Who is sick more often?

According to experts, manic-depressive psychosis, approximately several times, women are more likely than men.

For example, women often develop the phenomenon of postpartum depression.

During this period, hormones going wild, women have a lot of different feelings, they difficult to cope with your emotions. All this goes into depression, and on this basis bipolar disorder is already developing.

Childbirth is a strong stress, and stress is one of the reasons for the development of BAR. It is very important to support a woman in this difficult period for her, envelop with love and care.

Also, people with a weak and unstable psyche are more prone to manic-depressive psychosis, those who are vulnerable and those who take everything close to their hearts.

So hard for people to experience any life shocks. People prone to addictions (alcohol, drugs, games) are also more susceptible to this disease.

What is the difference from manic schizophrenia?

Bipolar disorder in none of its phases in any way. does not cause personality disorder man, schizophrenia is the opposite.

Symptoms of manic schizophrenia and BAR are similar, but there are some differences. Signs indicating that a person is ill with schizophrenia appear long before the phases from depression to mania begin.

Symptoms of Manic Schizophrenia:

  • delusions, hallucinations, panic attacks, persecution mania, paranoia;
  • a stupor and a violation of motor functions, a person can freeze for no reason in an unnatural posture;
  • lack of interest in what is happening around;
  • man ceases to look after himself, refuses to eat.

All of these symptoms and many others suggest that a person has schizophrenia. Specialists should study in detail all the signs to accurately diagnose.

How is psychosis different from schizophrenia? About this in the video:

How does a bar manifest?

Bipolar disorder has two phases: depressive and manic. Between them comes remission or enlightenment. Most often, the disease declares itself to be depression. In these conditions, the patient does actions that are not inherent to him, which were not previously observed.

Thus, in the period of mania, he can drop everything and fly to another country, having spent all his savings, and in the period of depression with a knock, do not get out of bed and not answer calls, and in the worst case even bring himself to suicide. The duration of the phases of all people is different.

Someone has only a few episodes a year, or even one, and some have a constant alternation of depression with mania. More often aggravations occur in spring and autumn.

Symptoms and signs

Signs of disease in teenagers:

  • depression and mania alternate among themselves much more often than in adults, sometimes there is a phase blending, for example, a teenager gives a depressive speech, while being in a podneshennom state, which is characteristic of a manic episode;
  • hyperactivity;
  • impulsiveness;
  • hysteria;
  • too excited state;
  • hypersexuality;
  • rudeness, a teenager can say inappropriate things;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • a teenager is too different in their behavior from their peers.

Have adults similar symptoms, but there are differences.

If a person has several signs at the same time, and inappropriate behavior lasts for several days or a week, then it is worth sounding the alarm.

Symptoms of the manic phase:

  • vigor, activity, excessive surge of strength;
  • agitation;
  • euphoria;
  • unnaturally good mood;
  • too fast pace of speech, it is difficult to understand what exactly a person wants to say, abrupt change of topics;
  • it becomes difficult for a person to concentrate;
  • previously unseen self-confidence;
  • inadequate assessment of own strengths and abilities;
  • mindless waste of money on unnecessary things;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • excessive use of alcohol and even drugs;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • a person can provoke others;
  • promiscuity;
  • denial of the existence of a problem.

Symptoms of the depressive phase:

  • pessimism;
  • feeling of emptiness;
  • sadness and sadness;
  • sense of hopelessness;
  • the patient is haunted by the feeling of guilt and the feeling that this world will be better off without him;
  • feeling of own helplessness;
  • lethargy;
  • lack of social activity;
  • before, beloved affairs bring absolutely no pleasure;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • low physical activity;
  • bad feeling;
  • laziness, the patient can do nothing for weeks, and just lie in his bed;
  • a person either wants to sleep all the time, or insomnia torments him;
  • loss of appetite, this may cause weight loss;
  • feeling unwell in the absence of reasons for this;
  • thoughts of death;
  • suicide attempts.

ABOUT dynamics bipolar affective disorder throughout life you can learn from this video:

Is it possible to cure TIR?

Is the disease treated? To date impossible to cure completely from bipolar disorder.

But with the help of specially selected treatment, you can reduce the number of attacks to a minimum, and in the future to completely get rid of them, but you need to take antidepressants and other drugs all the time.

Man can live long and happy life, if you know how to properly treat this disease.

Treatment methods

A special treatment has been developed for the treatment of bipolar disorder. complex treatment. It consists of three stages:

  1. Pills - with the help of them stop all symptoms of the disease. During mania, antipsychotics are prescribed to the patient, and during depression - antidepressants. In the period when the patient takes pills, he is strictly forbidden to take alcohol and drugs.

  2. Stability - you need to keep the course of treatment all the time, gradually try to return to the usual life, you can undergo a course of psychotherapy.
  3. Prevention - Try to isolate yourself from the factors that, in your opinion, can provoke seizures. Periodically go to doctors. If necessary, continue taking medication.

BAR does not respond to traditional medicine. You should not joke with this ailment, not one grandmother's remedy will save a person from mental disorder.

It is better to immediately contact the specialists who prescribe the correct treatment. But there are some tips that will help the patient at home:

  • breath control and breathing exercises;
  • yoga;
  • meditation;
  • healthy sleep;
  • do not recycle;
  • enough to rest;
  • walk more in the open air.

About the treatment of bipolar affective disorder in this video:

Waiting and reality

A person can expect that the pills will help him one hundred percent and he will never again feel the "charms" of this disease.

It is necessary to understand that treatment will not save forever from bipolar disorder, it stops the disease, will help to return to the old life, but it may be that the disease will return periodically. You need to be prepared for this.

A case history - bipolar affective disorder.

How to live with bipolar disorder?

Bipolar affective disorder - this is not a sentence.

Many people get along well with this disease.

No matter how trite it may sound, the first thing to do is accept yourself and your diagnosis.

Do not be shy and close in yourself. Therefore, as soon as you suspect a BAR, you should immediately contact a specialist, he will give you an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

You should not take any drugs yourself, it will not lead to anything good.

The second thing to do is learn to live with it. It is important that a person is always in harmony with himself, but it is very difficult to do this when you have depression, or too much mood. Therefore it is worthwhile to find something positive in both these states.

As we found out, BAR is not a deadly disease, you can live with it. The main thing is to notice and not deny the signs and symptoms, to seek help and follow the course of treatment.

Bipolar disorder through the eyes of the patient:

Watch the video: Bipolar Symptoms (December 2024).