
Some tips on how to make yourself work

The easiest option is to choose the right profession. So that it is not clear that it is for you: a hobby that gives pleasure, or an activity that allows you to earn enough to be happy. So that Sunday evening was joyful - tomorrow at work! But there are few such people, most of us chose that way of making money that they use on a daily basis because:

  • only it can provide for oneself and family enough to satisfy all necessary needs;
  • could only get there;
  • graduated from an educational institution in this profile;
  • in this area only this work is available;
  • when choosing, it was considered a prestigious job and highly paid, and now there is no possibility to change because of the lack of qualifications;
  • other activities are not available for health reasons;
  • here relatives helped to get a job, the work is well paid, but hateful;
  • once I liked it very much, but it cooled off over time;
  • other reasons.

The bad choice of a profession gives rise to all subsequent problems. When a person forces himself to engage in an unloved matter from day to day, he gradually destroys his personality, and destruction begins with changes in the body, gradually destroying him. To understand the validity of this statement, just look around. Yes, and the reader himself, if he was interested in this topic, there is a feeling that everything is not as it should? To figure out where the cause, and where the consequence, we must try to decompose the problem into components.

What is uninteresting work.

First of all, this is an activity due to the factors and reasons listed above. There is still our invincible laziness. Or accumulated fatigue syndrome. When and favorite work does not bring joy because of the high intensity or excessive demands of the leadership. And also boring, monotonous work. For example, on a conveyor belt a person repeats the same monosyllabic operation every day. He has reached perfection a long time ago, all movements are accurate to a millimeter and a split second, and it is already impossible to improve something. A similar situation is described in Alexander Lomma’s fantastical novel “The Suit of Agasfera”: a person received physical immortality without the possibility of dying. For some time he became the richest, the best in many areas of human activity, saved the world and restored justice. And when he realized that it did not make sense and would never end, he walled himself up and never came out to the people.

Eternal life does not threaten us, so against the dreary work we can come up with an antidote. It is noticed that the creative professions do not cause a negative state, less often cause chronic stress and depression. Consequently, an element of creativity must be introduced into any monotonous activity.

How to make yourself work.

Specific recommendations can be given, knowing what specific work is being discussed. Changing attitudes towards activity can be contrasted: if unwanted physical work is to come, you need to come up with elements of mental work for it. If we are talking about intellectual, but boring or boring work, you need to make elements of physical activity. For example, after writing a certain part of a report or article, do a set of physical exercises, or clean up the table, which has long been waiting for its time. Arrange documents into categories, water the flowers and many other useful things.

When it is difficult to force yourself to work because of fatigue, it makes sense to relax a bit or change the type of activity, because this is rest. Sometimes other reasons interfere with work:

  • weak motivation or lack of it: you need to think that the implementation of this task can bring in the future (immediate benefits and indirect - improving skills, for example), reward yourself for its performance with the currently available prize;
  • doubts about the feasibility of the task (large volume, lack of experience or qualifications, own perfectionism): break the goal into stages, and do each separately, without thinking about the next; consult with a older colleague; lower the bar a little and do as much as possible;
  • agreed to do under pressure, and now the internal protest does not allow to proceed with the implementation: try to talk with the leadership about changing the task.

The most destructive of these reasons is lack of confidence in one’s own strength (doubt in the feasibility of the task). If the goal is not achieved, there will be a strong blow to self-esteem. Therefore, a person subconsciously seeks to push this moment as far as possible, without understanding the real roots of such unwillingness. As with other fears, the first step to victory is awareness of the cause of the problem. Only by raising your fear to the surface can you overcome it. It is necessary to live through the situation before the unsuccessful final, to understand that the sky will not collapse from this. And the fact that a positive completion of the activity is not less likely will help to be more confident in moving towards the goal.

Now there are many opportunities for remote work, when a person does not need to leave home to work. But this activity has its pitfalls related to the topic of conversation - being at home, without unauthorized control it is difficult to concentrate on the task. Sometimes, of the eight hours allotted for work, half is devoted to fermenting over social networks, tea, coffee, and other pressing matters. In this case, you need to break the work into certain stages. The time allotted for it, divided into uniform segments with short "five minutes" for the rest. And, although many psychologists consider self-control to be a chimera and self-deception, one cannot do without it.

There is another good method, if others did not produce results: to lease yourself. It is necessary to imagine that they rented themselves for the period of the performance of this undesirable task. At any time, you can stop everything, to the end result there are no any too high demands, at the end of the work the rental period ends. In this case, without giving a very high importance to the result, without straining your subconscious about it, you can nevertheless make it even higher than usual. After all, you are a calm, calm and confident professional.

Watch the video: How to Make Yourself Throw Up Instantly (May 2024).