Personal growth

20 things to do while you are young

Youth is probably the best period in a person’s life. This is the time when people can afford a lot without being burdened with anything. And, of course, I want to live it so that there is something to remember. Here is a selection of the things that every young person should try, and then tell their grandchildren about them.

1. Fall in love and be disappointed in love. This is a most valuable experience that will remain forever and from which you can draw the right conclusions. Unhappy love - a reason for reflection and change in yourself.
2. To accomplish a crazy act. Everyone has a notion of "turretless". It is important to do something that will help you look at yourself from a different angle and will overcome the greatest fear.
3. Recognize yourself. This is only possible in youth, while all doors are open. Only during this period can a person decide on himself and choose his further life path.
4. Take yourself a pet. The dog is best, but there is always a choice in favor of their own preferences. Such a pet is a great opportunity not only to get a loyal and devoted friend, but also an occasion to learn responsibility.
5. Help those in need. Of course, good deeds can and even need to be done in a more mature age. But for a young, just becoming a person, this is especially important, because it forms the spiritual qualities.
6. Learn to dance. This is useful later in life. Dance is a way of suppressing negative energy and at the same time an excellent charge of cheerfulness and positive, as well as a way to maintain your body in health and beauty.
7. Go on foot tour. This may be a typical hike out of town. It is important to understand all the charm and romance of such a holiday, to spend the sun, and then meet its sunrise. To understand how a new day is born, how nature is falling asleep and awakening, to feel belonging to this world.
8. Recognize poetry and beauty. If a person already in his youth learns to perceive sensitively the beauty of his native literature and works of artistic art, this will then help him to have a positive attitude towards life. You can join the beautiful by visiting museums and various art galleries, striving for knowledge and understanding.
9. Break all unnecessary connections. This can be done only at a young age, at the start of adult life. The older a person becomes, the more he gets stuck in past connections. That is why it is necessary to break all communication with negative people in youth.
10. Visit different places. It does not have to be other countries, you can travel with interest and benefit to your native one, visiting her many cities. Such travels will broaden your horizons and allow you to learn a lot.
11. Meet the best friend. The one that remains until the end, the one that can be trusted more than even the parents. Such friends appear only in their youth, yet they have no self-interest to be friends. And they are given a piece of their own soul.
12. Learn the languages ​​of other countries. While a person is young, his memory works very differently. He is easily given training, he does not get tired of a lot of new information. That is why learning foreign languages ​​is best during this period of life.
13. Perform experiments. Youth without all sorts of experiments on himself is bland and uninteresting. It is necessary to try and act at the start of your path.
14. Learn to learn something important. In general, in youth it is best to try to learn different things, because you never know exactly what can come in handy. The more a young person is able - the more profitable for him.
15. Learn to be positive. This will determine the rest of his life. If a person is an optimist, everything is easy and simple for him, if he is a pessimist, then even the simplest task causes problems.
16. Plant a tree. Let him grow with the young man and be a kind of symbol of his whole life, at first so uncertain and thin, and then strong and spreading.
17. Do something romantic. Youth is the period of first love, romance and magic. And life will not be so intense if it does not preserve memories of something unusual and beautiful, made in the name of this high feeling.
18. Get a profession. Even if it does not become a vocation of a lifetime, but it will teach you to get the necessary information, and this is important.
19.Try an unusual dish. Oddly enough, but the taste impressions remain with people for a very long time. And as yet there is no special temptation in food, it is worth trying something completely new and unexplored.
And finally, you need to learn to be calm about what others are saying. Just because no nerves are enough for every critic to react painfully.

Watch the video: 20 Things You Should Do While Youre Still Young (May 2024).