Personal growth

Characteristics and features of choleric persons: women, men and children

There are several types of human temperament. These are: melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine and choleric. For communication it is useful to know the temperament of a person.

Thanks to this, you can turn the conversation back on track or predict the reaction of the interlocutor. So who is choleric? What is his characteristic (women and men)?

Choleric - what is it in psychology?

What does it mean if a person is a choleric person? In psychology, “choleric” is one of four types of temperament, the classification of which suggested Hippocrates.

In short, choleric is called a subject characterized by high degree of mental activity, sharpness, vigor of action, swiftness, impetuosity, fast pace and power of movements.

Description of the psychological portrait

Among the main features and traits character choleric can distinguish the following:

  • impatience and incontinence;
  • susceptibility to a radical change of mood;
  • differs with vigor, hot temper and emotionality, which, however, quickly fade away;
  • the ability to take control of critical situations and conflicts;
  • inability to perform monotonous work;
  • fast learning new;
  • gambling and passion for business, if it is different versatility;
  • dedication at the same time to several affairs or projects;
  • the ability, even in difficult situations, to give a quick solution, which is often distinguished by originality and creativity;
  • courage, hardness and determination, sometimes even rigidity;
  • fast connected speech, loud voice;
  • the inability to bring the matter to the end, throwing it half way, and even at the very beginning.

What does the word "choleric" mean? Find out from the video:

Features choleric type of temperament

Feature choleric temperament is vivid intensity and high intensity of emotional experiencesthat flow very quickly. This is expressed in quick temper and volatility.

Choleric violently and deeply experiencing all the emotions that completely capture him: both joy and sorrow.

Choleric temperament also characterized by high mobilitywith sharp and swift movements. Such people have great energy and activity.

What is characteristic of choleric person? Choleric is not plodding, calm, restrained, patient.

About the features of the choleric type of temperament in this video:

Person's character


Choleric man - is a leader at work and the head of the family at home.

At work, he distinguishes himself from the rest and sometimes is even arrogant, but this often leads him to leadership positions.

Such a person as if created for giving orders and management. This is a rather tough boss who is not particularly worried about the opinions of his own subordinates.

As for the family, then he occupies the main position. He makes all the decisions. Demanding in relation to the rest of the family and believes that no one can disobey him.

A choleric man often has emotional breakdowns. At the same time, he does not like to show feelings, as he considers this a weakness.

is he purposeful in everything what is he doing. If he liked some girl - sooner or later he will achieve it, he wanted a promotion, he will receive it. His determination and perseverance manifest themselves to whatever he wants.


Choleric woman - this is a strong, purposeful and ambitious person. She easily learns everything and takes the initiative without any problems, if she considers it necessary.

Shows leadership qualities both at work and in the family.

Rarely a housewife, because it does not like when life passes by it.

Often she does not differ femininity, preferring short haircuts, comfortable clothing and shoes. The fashion does not follow, but may well have a sense of style.


Have children choleric temperament manifests itself almost from the cradle. They stand out for their active behavior and ability to throw a tantrum for any reason.

Such a child may cry for hours in the store, asking for what he wants. He badly tolerates any discomfort, immediately puffing up his lips and dropping tears.

Choleric children very energetic, differ in strongly pronounced emotions. They are strong, and their movements are swift. If a choleric child wanted something, he would do everything possible on the way to his goal and would not calm down until he achieved his goal.

Tips for raising a choleric child:

Personality traits

So, The following qualities of choleric can be distinguished:

  • energy;
  • aggressiveness;
  • intolerance;
  • restlessness;
  • initiative;
  • forgetfulness;
  • excitability;
  • endurance;
  • impulsiveness;
  • stubbornness;
  • activity;
  • quick temper;
  • leadership.

What kind of work is suitable?

Greatest success Choleric achieve in professions in which it is important to be able to attract and establish relationships with others.

Monotonous activities and work requiring assiduity are absolutely not suitable for him, as he quickly gets tired of this.

Though a choleric person learns quickly, but if he needs to go deep into some subject or skill, then Difficulties may arise.

In order for a choleric person to remain at the peak of their working capacity, constant maintenance of interest in work and emotional reinforcement is necessary.

Choleric can be called stress toleranttherefore, he is good at managing positions.

Among professionswhich are suitable for choleric, can be called the following:

  • designer;
  • Sales Manager;
  • advertising agent;
  • presenter on television and radio stations;
  • specialist in the field of PR;
  • the reporter;
  • guide-translator;
  • insurance agent;
  • producer;
  • guide;
  • and many others.

Choleric can open their own business, they often turn out good and successful entrepreneurs.

In addition, it is best to choose such professions where efficiency does not depend on the amount of time worked, and from the results. Choleric is much easier to work not on the established schedule, but on its own.

Thus, a choleric person has more chances to build a career in professions that are associated with people and communication with them than with technology and documents.

Temperament choleric and choice of profession:

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important quality choleric - energy.

Sometimes it borders even with obsession, if some business attracts them especially strongly.

They know how to make decisions quickly, which can be useful in critical or difficult situations. The positive features include the fact that they not vindictive and fast moving away even after a conflict.

Choleric often rude, irritable. May conflict for any reason. They strive to dominate everything, demanding almost unquestioning obedience and obedience. They do not like to do something differently, as they said.

Definition and characterization

Choleric extrovert aims at the world around him, constantly striving to be the center of attention. They are distinguished by sociability and openness to everything new. They love big companies, events and constant movement.

Start with the fact that introvert - This is a person who is primarily aimed at his inner world, he rarely shows emotions, often closed and uncommunicative.

Already from this description it becomes obvious that the choleric and the introvert are two opposite poles. Such people are extremely rare.

They are usually different. strong mood swings - today they feel good in a big company, and tomorrow they will prefer a cozy home evening for a book.

How to behave and how to communicate?

You must constantly remember that choleric straightforward and always immediately lay out what they have in mind.

But it is not necessarily their permanent opinion.

Most likely this is just a reaction to a specific situation in the amount of his mood at the moment. Therefore, at another moment you can even hear the contradictory statement. Therefore, communicating with the choleric person, you need to make a discount on his emotionality and changeability.

If your goal is to be on good terms with a choleric person, you need to focus on do not ruffle him and do not contradict him. Because otherwise it can spill all negative emotions on you.

At the same time he will go away after 5 minutes and forget that he has offended you. So if you are particularly sensitive, then a slight irritability of choleric can cause you deep wounds.

If your subordinate at work is a choleric person, then you should understand that he has so much energy, therefore There is no need to push it and constantly push it. Better try to diversify his activities, to carry away some interesting task.

Examples of famous and famous

Cholera temperaments occurs in many famous people, for example:

  • Donald Trump (entrepreneur, politician);
  • Peter I Alekseevich (political figure);
  • Bill Gates (entrepreneur, public figure);
  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (poet);
  • Phil McGraw (psychologist, writer);
  • Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich (military leader);
  • Oprah Winfrey (actress, TV presenter, public figure);
  • Ludwig van Beethoven (composer);
  • Vladimir Vladimirovich Zhirinovsky (political figure);
  • Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich (scientific figure, chemist);
  • George Gordon Byron (poet);
  • Vasily Chapaev (military figure);
  • Franz Liszt (composer);
  • Salvador Dali (artist).

Choleric persons differ in a number of features, not always positive. But if they learn to control your temper, it may well achieve heights.

The strengths and weaknesses of choleric, and how to communicate with him correctly:

Watch the video: The 4 Temperaments (December 2024).