Personal growth

How to succeed in life: 5 basic rules

Every second inhabitant of the planet today wants to be successful. At the same time, success for different people can acquire completely opposite guises: someone wants to make a lot of money, and someone wants to create a charitable foundation; someone aspires to become independent, and another - dreams of an unexpected inheritance or winning the lottery to fall on him.

The content of the article:
Set a goal
Plan your actions
Believe in your strength
Psychologist's comment

All people in their dreams are united by one thing: they are looking for the answer to their main question: how to achieve success in life and become happy.

There are several tips that apply to any area where you want to succeed: career, personal relationships, the material and the spiritual sphere.

These recommendations work only with an integrated approach: you need to apply them all together, without losing a single one, and then you will become closer to your goal.

Set goals correctly

How to succeed in life the fastest? This recommendation will not be able to fulfill your dream right now, but it will shorten the path therein many times.

The secret of success of many famous people is their ability to set goals correctly. At first glance, this task does not seem so difficult, however, it is not. Here are some useful tips that will help you set a goal correctly:

  • Formulate your wishes exactly. For example, not "I want to increase," but "I want to get the position of head of sales department." This will help focus attention on a clearer object.
  • Limit your goals to the time during which you want to achieve them. For example, not "I want to increase," but "I want to get the position of head of sales by the end of this year." This will help to take more seriously the achievement of your goal, not to delay intermediate steps to achieve it.
  • Set the bar higher than what you really want to achieve. For example, you open an online store in your city and plan to cover the local market. Set a goal to cover the market area, and then the country - but in the long term. Do not limit yourself to the framework, but do not set unattainable goals for yourself (for example, to invent the elixir of immortality) in order not to be disappointed in your abilities.

Plan your actions

How many times they told the world: careful planning of the upcoming day, week and month, and even a year, will help you avoid many problems, make you a more organized person, help you use time more efficiently. But no: many people do not want to spend 15-20 minutes every evening to write a plan for tomorrow, and then they complain that they don’t have time and they always forget everything.

Get into the habit of making a to-do list for tomorrow. It is not necessary to start an organizer or fix everything in a smartphone (someone needs it, but an ordinary housewife will hardly need it).
Take a simple sheet of paper and a pen and spend a few minutes thinking about the tasks of tomorrow. Even if you lose this piece of paper tomorrow, the plan will all remain in your memory early, and you will definitely do more than you could without this plan.

Here are the advantages of planning:

  • Having in front of you a visual to-do list, you can more efficiently distribute their execution throughout the day, by making the most profitable route and determining what it is best to do.
  • You will stop being late, thereby improving your reputation and avoiding embarrassing situations related to the fact that you have let someone down.
  • A clear idea is created in your head about what will be done and when, therefore you are not worried about it, do not worry, but simply calmly do everything according to plan, step by step.

Accept help and share responsibilities

In any case, expediency is important. Suppose you have opened your own business, but there is practically no money for hiring employees. Do not try to do everything yourself - so you only achieve overwork, without having the desired effect. It is impossible to do everything yourself.

Ask for help from relatives and friends, giving them something in return, enter into contracts for the rental of equipment or for courier services - distribute some responsibilities, freeing up some time to think out a strategy for further development.

If you do everything yourself, rejecting the help of other people, you may succeed, but this will not happen soon. But interaction and cooperation can accelerate your success, as well as find like-minded people and new friends, and establish contacts that will be useful to you in the future.

Every day take a step towards your dream

The secret to achieving success in life lies in small, but regular steps towards a dream. You can not achieve the goal, doing for this something with varying success.

Breaks in the application of effort or cool in you desire to do anything at all, or adversely affect the process as a whole (the time will pass, competitors will become stronger, the need for your services will disappear).

Patience and a little effort. Be patient - real success rarely falls from the sky onto your head. This, of course, happens, but most people succeed in life with blood and sweat, daily work and diligence. Without effort, it is difficult to get what you want. Moreover, hard earned and get much nicer.

Believe in your strength

One of the main conditions for your success in life is faith in your own strength. It is the belief in success that helps people achieve their goals, even when everything turns against them. You can not give up, give up in the face of difficulties. Yielding to weakness, you betray, first of all, yourself and the efforts that were previously spent.

Of course, there are situations where the struggle is simply pointless to continue, but it is impossible to give up anyway. The point is not to lose the power of the spirit. If you did not succeed the first time, you will definitely get the second or the third. The main thing is to learn from your mistakes and improve.

Malika, Moscow

Watch the video: 5 Essential Rules to Succeed in Life - Jefferson Santos (January 2025).