Stress and Depression

Depression and suicide

Everything is very serious!

Depression occurs gradually and often unnoticed (by the way, like suicidal thoughts), therefore it is considered a dangerous disease. The causes of depression in a person can be completely different factors: someone became a victim of emotional turmoil, perhaps even grief that happened to his relatives or friends, and someone got into a terrible car accident in which he miraculously survived ). Any depression can be called suicidal because of the general flow of thoughts about hopelessness, uselessness and the insignificance of life.

Depression and suicide: often in the shadow of each other

Clinical depression affects all aspects of a sick person’s life. You may not even notice that he has changed. His behavior may not cause any suspicion until it is too late to help him. A person who once suffered a severe form of depression and was treated for it is unlikely to ever be able to completely get rid of all the manifestations of the disease in his life.

Obsessive thoughts of suicide are frequent consequences of severe depression.

These thoughts may not be advertised by a person suffering from depression, but sooner or later he will try to commit suicide. Therefore, the very first action in the depressive state is vigilant control of relatives for a sick person. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to read the thoughts of another person, but it is necessary to assume in advance that any severe form of depression requires constant participation from relatives. Sometimes it is necessary to place a person in a special hospital where doctors will guide the treatment, and supervision is carried out around the clock. Otherwise, irreparable can happen.

The main signs of thoughts about suicide during depression

Common signs of suicidal thoughts are:

1) People who think of suicide love to talk about death, without necessarily mentioning the word itself. They can talk about falling from a tall building or asking them to bury them in a certain place if something happens.

2) Most often, people who have lost someone from their relatives as a result of their death, divorce or departure think of suicide. Also potential suicides are those who have lost their jobs, their property, who have been humiliated or have suffered physical violence against themselves. Potential suicides may include people who have no hobbies in their lives, as well as those who have no friends.

3) People suffering from severe depression cannot concentrate on their usual occupation; they cannot work or study. They have a detached appearance and a complete unwillingness to communicate with someone, as well as to go out in public places and take part in any public events. Often people with severe depression have nightmares in their sleep that they wake up from and cannot fall asleep.

4) Another important sign of severe depression and possible suicide is the desire of a sick person to give all their valuable things to their families and friends, and also to entrust them to care for their pets.

They were depressed too

Suicide after a protracted depression is not uncommon. According to world statistics, the most frequent age of committing suicide is 15-29 years. The story knows a lot of famous and successful people who have committed suicide: Vladimir Mayakovsky, Sergey Yesenin, Marina Tsvetaeva, Marilyn Monroe, Kurt Cobain. Depression gradually pulls out of the person first the vital forces, then the hope and faith in the future and finally the desire to live on. Someone rightly compared the depression with Dementor - a creature from the Harry Potter universe, who sucked the soul out of a living person, leaving only the body alive.

We recommend that you immediately contact a specialist! And also get acquainted with our article in detail about how to behave if a loved one has signs of depression.

Watch the video: Teen Suicide Prevention (January 2025).