Personal growth

What is the physical and spiritual development of man

In everyday life often used words that can simultaneously be considered a process and its result - self-improvement, self-knowledge. Development is the same example of dualism. On the one hand, it defines the mechanism for achieving a specific task. On the other hand, development is the ultimate goal, the opportunity to become better. This process takes place in animate and inanimate nature. Man, business, the whole society obeys his laws. What is development? What are its signs? What are the mechanisms and stages? The article contains answers to all these questions.

What is development?

Development is a transition to a qualitatively new level. It is inherent in any form of existence of matter. Moreover, these forms themselves are the result of the evolution of the Universe. At the junction of science and philosophy, it is customary to talk about such stages of self-organization of matter:

  • Mechanical - space;
  • Physical - fields and atoms;
  • Chemical - molecules;
  • Biological - living organisms;
  • Social and public - human society.

Development takes place at each of the stages. The solar system is developing, chemical compounds are becoming more complex, living creatures are evolving, people are improving, the historical progress of society is observed.

The main mechanism is the accumulation of quantitative changes that lead to a qualitative leap. The famous German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel spoke about this.

For example, the transition of water into steam. When it reaches the boiling point, more and more active molecules gradually appear, which evaporate from the liquid. In nature, evolution can be considered an example of development. They arise in response to a certain amount of accumulated useful mutations. Thus, a bird hatched from a dinosaur egg for the first time.

You can draw parallels with human life. Gradually, he acquires the skills, knowledge and experience that allow you to move to a qualitatively new level. So, a novice boxer, in the case of zeal, with time becomes a champion of the region, country, and later, possibly the world. But unlike the previous forms of existence of matter, man possesses reason and will. Therefore, human development is a more complex process, which is complemented by reflection and choice.

Stages of human development

There are biological and social aspects. In the first case, we are talking about the development of man as a living organism with the passage of all stages from conception, birth, life to death. The second case involves the socialization of the individual. In addition, a person is inclined to engage in self-development, choosing the direction that he is really interested. Consider all cases in detail.

Psychophysiological development of a person

In the process of its development, a person goes through a series of logical stages (physiological and psychological):

  • The prenatal period is the appearance of all systems and organs;
  • Infancy - from birth to 1 year of age;
  • Early childhood - from a year to three years;
  • Preschool period - on average up to 7 years;
  • Junior school age - from 7 to 12 years;
  • Adolescence - up to 15 years;
  • Youth - up to 19 years;
  • Youth - covers the period from 19 to 35 years;
  • Adulthood (maturity) - 35-60 years;
  • Old age - from 60 years.

If the intrauterine development of a person is the sphere of embryology, then the future life is carefully studied by psychologists and physiologists. So a great contribution to the understanding of the formation of personality in various periods of human development was made by psychologists: Pavel Petrovich Blonsky, Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky, Eric Homburger Erikson, Danil Borisovich Elkonin, Aleksey Nikolaevich Leontiev.

According to the ideas of psychoanalysis, formed by Sigmund Freud, in his formation a person depends on the zones that cause the greatest pleasure in a particular period of life. According to these views, there are such stages of human development:

  • Oral - from birth to one and a half years, when the mouth acts as the main way to meet organic needs;
  • Anal - a period from 1.5 to 3.5 years, when the child learns to control the process of defecation;
  • Phallic - age from 3.5 to 6 years, when there is an identification of gender;
  • Latent - a period of 6 to 12 years, manifested in a decrease in sexual activity;
  • Genital - transitional age, which is expressed in the formation of mature sexual relations.

Since man is a biosocial phenomenon, developmental psychology cannot be based only on the physiological features of the individual. The formation of his personality plays an important role in the formation of man.

Stages of personal development

Improving the spiritual sphere of man, his desire for self-knowledge and the choice of his vocation, can be compared with the Pyramid of the needs of Abraham Maslow. According to this approach, the development of a person, as an individual, moves in the following direction:

  • Physiological needs - food, drink, sex;
  • The need for security is the desire to be protected;
  • The need for love and friendship is socialization;
  • Striving for respect - recognition, approval, reverence;
  • Getting knowledge is the desire to know and understand more;
  • Aesthetic needs - a sense of beauty and harmony;
  • Self-actualization is the highest form of self-development.

In the course of his development, a person strives for spiritual perfection, but this becomes possible only if lower needs are met. Homeless is unlikely to appreciate the presented ticket to the opera. A person running away from an angry mob is not ready to listen to another smart audiobook. A teenager would rather choose a walk with a grown-up classmate than professional growth and self-development. Each period of development implies its own strategy of behavior and ultimate goal.

Given the dual nature of man, his ability to establish communication with other members of his own kind, it is appropriate to speak about the development of a group of people united by common goals. First of all, these are labor collectives of various private and state-owned companies. They are also improving. Stages of development of the organization will consider in the next section.

Human development

Any team, one way or another, goes through the following stages (according to the theory of Bruce Wayne Takmen):

  • Check (formation) - "probing" each other;
  • Conflict - the appearance of contradictions, their aggravation;
  • Cohesion (normalization) - reconciliation based on conflict resolution;
  • Differentiation (execution) - the formation of a functional role structure.

These principles are universal in work teams and voluntary associations of people according to their interests. If we talk about the development of the organization associated with the solution of a particular business problem, we can distinguish the following periodization:

  • Task orientation;
  • Emotional comprehension of the task, the search for inconsistencies;
  • Information exchange, analysis of ideas and suggestions;
  • Solving a problem by making constructive decisions.

Given that any firm is like a living organism, it is customary to talk about the life cycle of an organization:

  • Becoming - development of a strategy and development plan;
  • Growth - increase of turns, growth of indicators;
  • Maturity - stabilization of the structure;
  • Decay - accumulation of organizational problems, stagnation.

At the end of a life cycle, an organization can move in several ways. Either it undergoes rebranding, forming new tasks and goals, or it closes, giving way to other firms that are in earlier stages of development.

Not all management systems try to combine the development of the organization and the individual improvement of its employees. Indicative in this regard is considered the Japanese management philosophy Kaizen, which promotes the continuous development of the company through the cumulative progress of all its elements. First of all - each of the employees. In general, the topic of development and self-development is very relevant in a dynamically developing world.

Personal development and self-development

Being born, a person is like a blank sheet of paper. Of course, in the initial stages of life, it is necessary to intervene adults who initiate the development of a person’s personality. But this help is fraught with "pitfalls". The fact is that sometimes vocation is completely not in the path that society imposes.

Family, school, university do not always give the knowledge and skills that are really needed for a particular person. What to do in this case? Growing up, the person feels these inconsistencies and tries to compensate for the missing experience through self-education and self-education.

For example, a hereditary jeweler, realizing that precious metals or stones are not his vocation, is looking for more suitable ways of development. He rereads dozens of books, watches hundreds of thematic programs and, finally, understands that he wants to become an artist. Since the family is not his assistant, he is engaged in self-development, gradually becoming a painter.

The difference between physical and spiritual development

A person is able to develop in several directions:

  • Physically;
  • Intellectually;
  • Spiritually.

The first two methods involve the development of the body and mind. The third relates to the field of mental improvement. The main differences between them are associated with the exhaustion of resources. The development of body and mind is combined with energy costs, which have to be compensated during rest periods. Accordingly, one should go to the gym, or read books only at those moments when the body is full of strength and energy. In contrast, spiritual development only intensifies as it is applied. The more a person improves his moral and volitional qualities, the stronger they become, the stronger his faith in his beliefs and principles will be.

Spiritual development - the highest stage of improvement, which, as a rule, begins after a person successfully passes the remaining stages of personal development. Do not think that spirituality interferes with human socialization. On the contrary, it helps to take a worthy place in society, offering the right values ​​and priorities.

Development is an important component of the existence of matter, in all its forms and manifestations. The process of complicating the structure is inherent in everything from atoms to galaxies. Reasonable creatures, the only known example of which can be considered a human, are capable of meaningful development, which raises this process to a qualitatively higher level.

Watch the video: LIFE: Secret of the Physical and Spiritual Structures of Human Beings. (May 2024).