Personal growth

How to draw a coaching wheel (wheel of life)

The essence of the task is simple. Take a piece of paper and draw a circle of life on it (as in the picture above). I want to immediately warn the very lazy, it is necessary to do not in the mind, namely to draw. The next step is to determine for yourself 6-8 spheres of life that have at least some significance for you. Some of them are common to all people - this is Health, Work, Family / Close people.

Others may be different, for some people money is important, for others access to entertainment, some personal growth is important, or the presence of property (flat, car, etc.). There may be hundreds of different spheres of life that are important to you personally. Divide the circle into sectors, each sector is an important area of ​​life for you.

Wheel of life balance.

Now think about how much you rate each of them on the 10th patient scale.

And here it’s important not what time you think others can assess it, namely your assessment, your attitude to this. This is an important point, so I will explain it. For example, to take such a sector as Family / close people, from the point of view of most people, success in this category is determined by the presence of a husband / wife, children, close friends. The level of relationships with them. But if you live alone and at the same time are happy (at this particular moment in time), then evaluate this sector accordingly, and not from the generally accepted point of view.

Now, again, as in the picture, you combine those assessments that you put on each sector. You should have something like this:

The question is brewing, and what does this life balance wheel mean and what should I do?

And no psychologist, coach or coach can give you 100% correct answer. With that, no matter what happened in the picture. Only you can draw conclusions, but to help in this I will give a couple of explanations.

It is believed that if you had a really more or less uniform circle similar to a wheel, then life is balanced. It can completely satisfy you or, on the contrary, completely do not suit you, but in such a situation there is often a lack of desire to change something. You are in harmony with yourself, your life and your environment. Of course, if the wheel turned out to be large, uniformly high marks in all areas of life, then you can only wish for further success and not stop there. If you have uniformly low marks in all areas, it means that there is a lot of work to be done, but it will only make sense if you yourself want to change something. There are essentially two ways. First, try to change something evenly across all sectors, second, focus on one / two and make a breakthrough on them, and the rest will follow them.

If you have a completely irregular circle in the picture, then as they say, there are problems and necessary directions for development on the face. In this case, you should not vigorously regret the failed areas of life, but to realize and appreciate what you have already achieved. After all, your success is what has already been done, and failure is just what you have to do.

Watch the video: THE WHEEL OF LIFE: A Self-Assessment Tool (May 2024).