Personal growth

What is self-education and why give it time

Popular self-development is known to many. Self-study is also no surprise. But what is self-education? It is one thing to educate others, engage in moralizing, to explain what is good and what is bad. How to educate yourself? You can’t put yourself in a corner, you don’t slap on a soft spot ... Perhaps self-education of a person is just a beautiful word, for which there is nothing? But why then quite often speak about its necessity? Should I engage in self-education, and how to do it?

What is self-education?

Self-education is a conscious action aimed at the full disclosure of the individual. In childhood, parents, school teachers, and, to some extent, university teachers, are engaged in bringing up a person. But, after graduation, when a person enters into adulthood, outside intervention gradually stops. At the same time, the issue of further development of the personality does not lose its relevance.

How to be in this case? Who should continue the educational process? Friends, husbands or wives, maybe employers? Most likely, all this will be wrong. An adult differs from a child in that he does not need external stimuli for development. Further his self-cultivation, he is able to carry out himself.

Types of self-education

Self-improvement is a complex and comprehensive process. It is impossible to constantly develop in one direction. All the same, life will correct the movement. For example, someone decided to become a first-class specialist. He devoted himself to the chosen profession. But this man absolutely does not know how to behave in society. Even as a professional, he fails the interview with a bang, and, even in the case of employment, does not stay long in one place. It means that working skills or abilities alone are not the key to success.

It is appropriate to say that there are such types of self-education:

  • Intellectual;
  • Physical;
  • Aesthetic;
  • Psychological;
  • Socially oriented.

The first is the desire to acquire new knowledge, to expand their outlook. The second maintains a good level of physical form, the ability to handle your body. The third helps to see the beautiful, to enjoy the world around. The fourth produces volitional qualities. The fifth helps to establish connections, maintain communication in society.

Elements of self-education

Self-education of a person becomes possible only if there are four main components:

  • Self-analysis - the ability to see your strengths and weaknesses;
  • Self-report - taking responsibility for your life;
  • Self-motivation - the ability to adjust yourself to work;
  • Self-control - reconciliation of personal progress with the predicted;
  • Self-assessment - an adequate assessment of their actions.

In fact, all these are attributes of the school process, only in adulthood a person applies them himself. It is always easier to evaluate others than yourself. Even more difficult to control and motivate yourself. Therefore, psychological self-education is one of the most important stages of self-improvement.

Self-education methods

To master the technique of self-education is impossible without an understanding of its basic methods, which are presented below:

  • Self-conviction;
  • Self-hypnosis;
  • Self-commitment;
  • Self-criticism;
  • Self-order (self-coercion);
  • Self punishment;
  • Empathy.

At first glance, it may seem very difficult, and in some places even frightening. But everything is much simpler than you can imagine. These methods complement each other. Therefore, it is worth trying and everything will work out.


Self-education of the individual begins with the correct motivation of oneself. For example, trying to force yourself to enroll in English courses, you should prove to your subconscious their importance. Imagine yourself traveling the world, visiting distant countries and finding new interesting friends there. For this all you need to learn one of the international languages.

Self suggestion

This method of self-education is necessary in case of uncertainty. For example, someone considers himself a loser. These thoughts shape his life. If he starts to instill in himself that he is actually lucky, then over time it will turn into the truth. Personal development is impossible without high self-esteem and self-esteem.

Self commitment

The problem of many in the inability to bring to the end. People stopping halfway gradually get used to this behavior. It becomes easier for them to give up any business, at the first difficulties. It is worth remembering that the path to the top is thorny. Success is achieved only by those who are able to overcome difficulties and keep the commitment given to himself.

Self criticism

For effective self-education, praise or motivation alone is not enough. You should learn to criticize yourself. Just do not confuse self-humiliation or self-blame. Criticism is the ability to objectively see their weaknesses. It helps to understand in time what actions are unsuccessful in order to redirect their efforts to a more constructive direction.

Self-order (self-coercion)

Developed willpower allows a person to continue self-improvement, even when there is no desire to do so. For example, any desire to go to the gym, sooner or later, ends. If you do not show the qualities of will, then the further physical development will be questionable. If you overpower yourself and continue training, then again there will be a desire to practice.

Self punishment

Of course, you shouldn’t be like medieval flavellants fanatically fanning themselves with whips, but introducing "penalties" for violating the regime is desirable. Since an adult is not put into a corner, his self-education depends on the development of his own volitional qualities. Otherwise, how to quit smoking, stop being lazy or finally sign up for a driving school? Only if you put yourself in such a rigid framework that there is no other way.


Self-education is closely related to the ability to build social ties. For this, it is very important to learn to put yourself in the place of another person, to understand his fears, motives, desires. It is necessary to live by the principle "Treat people as want toso that they treat you. "If a person learns to see and hear others, they will also begin to treat him more respectfully and with care.

Self-education is closely related to the improvement of the individual. It complements professional growth and development. Without elementary communication and strong-willed skills, a person cannot take a worthy place in society. Since family or teachers are not always able to instill these qualities, an adult should himself complete all the “gaps” of childhood in order to become more effective and, most importantly, happy.

Watch the video: Why Self Education is Better than College Education (May 2024).